Prof. Dr. Miriam Strube
Full Professor at the Department of English and American Studies, Paderborn University
- E-Mail:
- miriam.strube@uni-paderborn.de
- Phone:
- +49 5251 60-3583
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- Homepage
- Office Address:
360直播吧 Str. 100
33098 Paderborn - Room:
- J4.235
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Latest Publications
The Sacred Unity in Diversity: Pragmatismus als antirassistische Gesellschaftskritik
M. Strube, in: F. Petersen, M. Seeliger, H. Brunkhorst (Eds.), Pragmatistische Sozialforschung: Für Eine Praktische Wissenschaft Gesellschaftlichen Fortschritts, Springer VS, Heidelberg/Berlin, 2021, pp. 87–103.
James, William
M. Strube, in: M.N.S. Sellers, S. Kirste (Eds.), Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. Springer Publishers Open Access Reference Work, Springer Publishers Open Access Reference Work, 2021.
M. Strube, M. Halawa-Sarholz, in: Cornel West: Pragmatismus Und Radikale Demokratie, Suhrkamp Verlag, Berlin, 2021.
Si Una Vez: Chicana Sensibilities and Xicanista Soundscapes
M. Strube, in: M. Kaltenbach, W. Raussert (Eds.), Sonic Politics: Music and Social Movement in the Americas 1960s to the Present, Routledge, New York, 2019, pp. 107–120.
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Current Courses
- Survey of English and American Literatures
- Poems of Death and Dying
- MAP-M5 Fachwissenschaftliche Horizonte - Literary and Cultural Studies
- Democratizing Democracy: The Deep Democratic Tradition in America
- Colloquium English and American Literary and Cultural Studies
- Auslandsaufenthalt WS 2024_25 :: BA-LA v1
Further Information
Auszeichnungen und Stipendien
12/2015 - 01/2016 Research Fellow über die Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, Tel Aviv University, CONNECT-Programm, Einladung von Prof. Yuval Jobani
04/2014 - 09/2014 Visiting Scholar, Princeton University, Department of African American Studies, Einladung von Prof. Cornel West
09/2013 - 10/2013 Mitglied des German Israel Frontiers of Humanities Symposium, Kibbutz Tzuba/Jerusalem, Einladung der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung
01/2012 Lehrpreis des Pr?sidiums, Universit?t Paderborn, für das Konzept "Internationalisierung des Seminarraums"
10/2011 Fachschaftspreis für besondere Lehre, Universit?t Paderborn, Fachschaftspreis für innovative und qualit?tsorientierte Lehre
2007 Rudolf Chaudoire Preis, TU Dortmund, Preis für hervorragende wissenschaftliche Arbeiten
09/2005 Stipendium der Fulbright Kommission, Fulbright American Studies Institut, Washington D.C.
08/2001 - 12/2001 Stipendium der Fulbright Kommission, Columbia University, Promotionsstipendium (Einladung von Prof. Rachel Adams)
07/2000 - 10/2000 Stipendium des DAAD, Internationale Frauenuniversit?t, Leibniz Universit?t Hannover
09/1995 - 05/1996 Stipendium des DAAD, New York University, Stipendium für Studierende
Beratende Mitgliedschaften
Mitglied im Advisory Board des German Pragmatism Network, seit 2018
Beiratsmitglied der DGfA, 2006-2012
"Looking ahead looking back: Living Democracy in African American Literature“, Living Democracy? Die Zukunft der Demokratie. Erste Tagung des German Pragmatism Network, Mai 2021.
"Pragmatism in Black: The Deep Democratic Tradition in Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man," W.E.B. Du Bois Lecture Series, HU Berlin, Dezember 2019
"From the Suffrage Movement to Instagram Feminism“: Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an, China, Juli 2019
"Rewriting the Western Genre: Cinematic Subversions and American Identity“: Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an, China, Juli 2019
“The world is a possibility if only you’ll discover it” – Living Democracy in Ralph Ellison’s Pragmatism, Heinrich-Heine Universit?t Düsseldorf, Mai 2019.
“When you’re small, you gotta fix what you can”: Overconsumption and Ecojustice in Beast of the Southern Wild, Universit?t Bamberg, Mai 2019.
Kaleidoscopic Narration: Jazz Aesthetics and Black Pragmatism in Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man, Universit?t Hamburg, Juni 2018.
The Productivity of Doubt: Wallace Stevens’ Pragmatism (internationale Konferenz: Truth or Post-Truth? Reality, Factivity, and Current Perspectives in Pragmatism and Hermeneutics. Albert-Ludwigs-Universit?t Freiburg), Januar 2018.
The (Neo-)Slave Narrative: Incidents in the Life of a Genre (Ringvorlesung: "Gender and Genre." Universit?t Paderborn), Juli 2016.
The Present of the Past: Response to Winfried 360直播吧merling's The Black Atlantic Reconsidered (360直播吧: "Comparative North American Ethnic Studies: Black Canadian Literature from a Transnational Perspective." WWU Münster), Januar 2016.
Thinking Acts: (Semi)Public Intellectuals and the Future of the Humanities (Tel Aviv University), Dezember 2015.
Failed by Society: Environmental Racism and Hurricane Katrina (Konferenz: The Failed Individual. Universit?t Mannheim), November 2015.
Following the Weaver's Shuttle: The To and Fro of Literature and Philosophy (Konferenz: Literature and Philosophy. Universit?t St Gallen), Oktober 2015.
The Trauma of Empire: Screening Suffering and Everyday Oppression. Keynote Lecture (Konferenz: Empire and Neurosis. Postgraduate Forum; Gesellschaft für Anglophone Postkoloniale Studien. Universit?t Duisburg/Essen), Oktober 2015.
Environmental Ethics Onscreen (Julius-Maximilians-Universit?t Würzburg), Juli 2015.
Shoot Out! Rassismus, schwarze Cowboys und der amerikanische Neo-Western (Tag der offenen Tür der Universit?t Paderborn. Paderborn), Juni 2015.
Stereotype, Sex und Befreiung: Weiblichkeit in den Romanen Toni Morrisons (Literarischer Frauensalon. Paderborn), Februar 2015.
Schwarze Cowboys, Rote Helden: Soziale Bewegungen und ihre Spuren im 'Revisionist Western' (Konferenz: Law and Order. Tutzing), Januar 2015.
Unreliable Echoes and Musical Détournements: Filming the Other through Music (internationale Konferenz: Music & Movies: National and Transnational Approaches. Njimegen, Niederlande), September 2014.
Musical Interludes: Fighting Power in Chicana Soundscapes (internationale Konferenz: Biennial Conference of the International Association of Inter-American Studies. Lima, Peru), August 2014.
Moments of Sudden Rightness: On the Fragility of Truth in Wallace Stevens’ Poetry (internationale Konferenz: The Pleasure of Doubt in Art, Aesthetics, and Everyday Life. Berlin), Juni 2014.
Angela Davis' politischer Aktivismus (♀ Intellektuelle im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert: Gegenwartsdiagnosen und Eingreifendes Denken. Bielefeld), M?rz 2014.
Introduction to Cornel West: Life and Work (4. Festival der Philosophie "Wie bitte geht Gerechtigkeit?" Hannover), M?rz 2014.
Recycling and Surviving: Screening Junk in Beasts of the Southern Wild (internationale Konferenz: Cultures of Obsolescence in North America: Aesthetics, Materiality, History. G?ttingen), Juni 2013.
Response to Paul Croce's "Between Scientific and Sectarian Medicine," William James Between Childhood and Fame (William James Zentrum, Potsdam), Juni 2013.
Blacks Go West: The Rise of the African American Cowboy (DGfA Jahrestagung “Rural America”. Erlangen), Mai – Juni 2013.
Intellectual Circles: Ralph Ellison, the Harlem Renaissance, and the Tradition of Pragmatism (Keynote zum Ralph Ellison Centennial, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater), April 2013.
Music, Sex and Women's Empowerment: A Philosophical Approach (internationale Konferenz: Exploring Culture: Consumption, Organization and Communication. Vilnius, Litauen), Mai 2012.
Faith and More: Pragmatist Modernism in Black and White (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg), Mai 2012.
Internationalisierung und Diversifizierung des Seminarraums. Tag der Lehre. (Paderborn), Januar 2012.
Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man: Jazz Aesthetic Meets Pragmatist Philosophy (Universit?t Paderborn), November 2011.
"My Heroes Have Always Killed Cowboys" - Cinematic Subversion, Ethnic Identity, and the Rewriting of American History (internationale Konferenz: Cinema and the Crossing of Frontiers. Bath, UK), September 2011.
"Make it new?" Interrelations between Pragmatist Philosophy and Modernist Culture (Gastvortrag: Universit?t Bayreuth), Juli 2011.
Reading Film: Cinema and/as Literature (zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Brad Prager. DAAD-Stipendiatentreffen, Dortmund), Mai 2011.
The Dark Trumpeter: Music, Improvisation, and Narrative Mode in Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man (internationale Konferenz: Narrativity and Musicality: A Confluence of Language, Literature, and Culture. Spartanburg, SC), April 2011.
African Art – Modern Culture: The Aesthetics of the Harlem Renaissance (internationale Konferenz: The Visual Culture of Modernism. Innsbruck), November 2010.
Racing Pragmatism: From Alain Locke to Paula Moya (internationale Konferenz: In the Footsteps of William James, Chocorua und Harvard University), August 2010.
Negating Domination: Pragmatism, Pluralism, Power (internationale Konferenz: Revisioning Pragmatism: William James in the New Millennium. Hamburg), Juni 2010.
Pluralist Spaces, Utopian Visions: The Politics and Poetics of Black Pragmatism (internationale Konferenz: Freedom’s Visions and Urban Landscapes: Spaces and Places in Language and Literature. Brooklyn College/CUNY), April 2010.
Was bringt uns Sex and the City? ?ber Gender und Cultural Studies (gemeinsam mit Christoph Ribbat), interdisziplin?re Ringvorlesung zu Gender Studies. Paderborn, Januar 2010.
'The bread of life is better than any soufflé': Wallace Stevens and the Extraordinary Ordinary (internationale Konferenz: Reading the Everyday: Literary and Cultural Perspectives. Universit?t Paderborn), Juli 2009
In Motion: Pragmatism in Wallace Stevens's Poetry, Carl von Ossietzky Universit?t Oldenburg, April 2009
Making Sense of the U.S.A.: Pragmatism in American Culture. Universit?t Paderborn, Juli 2008
?It's just his problems with the slaves on the plantation?: Screening Jane Austen's Social Vision (internationale Konferenz: Literature on Screen, Oglethorpe University, Atlanta), September 2007
Relationale Autonomie und weibliches Begehren (interdisziplin?re Konferenz: Lust? Darstellungen von Sexualit?t in der Gegenwartskunst von Frauen, Friedrich-Alexander Universit?t Erlangen-Nürnberg), Januari 2007
Die amerikanische Sitcom und der Feminismus: Von I Love Lucy zu Sex and the City (medienwissenschaftlicher Vortrag im Fachbereich Design an der FH Dortmund), Januar 2007
Queer Politics in Music (internationale Konferenz: K?rper- und Begehrenspolitik in der Audiovisuellen Kultur, Universit?t Leipzig), Oktober 2006
From The American Matchmaker to Woody Allen: Jewish Neurotics in Ulmer’s Yiddish Films (internationale Konferenz: Discovering Edgar G. Ulmer: European/American Filmmaker, Olomouc, Tschechien) September 2006
Sexing Up Sounds: Black Women’s Self-Definition Through Music (internationale Konferenz: Sounding Out - A Symposium on Sound, Sunderland, England), September 2006
Supa Sistas: Rap Music as Feminist Practice (internationale Konferenz: HipHop Meets Academia, Universit?t Chemnitz), August 2006
Survival and Change: Empowerment in the Life-Writing of Audre Lorde and Rigoberta Menchú (internationale Konferenz der International Auto/Biography Association, Johannes Gutenberg-Universit?t Mainz), Juli 2006
Sexual Politics in Music: From Blues Queens to Spoken Word Artists, (internationale Crossroads-Konferenz der International Association for Cultural Studies, Bilgi Universit?t, Istanbul, Türkei), Juli 2006
Pieces of the Self: Interrogations of Queerness and Race in The L Word (internationale Konferenz: Out of Place: Interrogating Queerness and Raciality, Lancaster University, England), M?rz 2006
?What’s Love Got to Do With It??: Desire in Sex and the City (Postgraduierten-Forum der DGfA, Universit?t Dortmund), Oktober 2005
?I Wanna Be Me?: Music and the Challenge of Gender Stereotypes (internationale Konferenz: Landscapes of Cultural Studies, Universit?t Klagenfurt, ?sterreich), Oktober 2005
The Exotic Other: Sexuality and (Post)colonialism (Trinitiy and All Saints College, Leeds, England), April 2005
Westpol: Eins zu Eins, WDR Fernsehen (30-minütiges Einzelinterview zu Trump, den Wahlen und den USA), https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/westpol-eins-zu-eins/die-fremd-gewordene-supermacht-wie-hat-trump-die-usa-veraendert/wdr-fernsehen, Oktober 2020.
Stereotype, Sex und Befreiung: Weiblichkeit in den Romanen Toni Morrisons. "Literarischer Frauensalon Paderborn", Februar 2015.
Schwarze Cowboys, Rote Helden: Soziale Bewegungen und ihre Spuren im Revisionist Western, (Evangelische Akademie Tutzing: "Law and Order - Gesetz und Ordnung"), Januar 2015.