Dr.-Ing. Florian Schlosser
Energy System Technologies (EST)
Academic Councillor
Team leader of energy transition in industry and urban heating planning, industrial and commercial energy conversion technologies for regional, renewable energy systems, process integration, energy system modelling
- E-Mail:
- florian.schlosser@uni-paderborn.de
- Phone:
- +49 5251 60-4138
- Web:
- Homepage
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- Office Address:
Pohlweg 47-49
33098 Paderborn - Room:
- P6.2.07.2
About Florian Schlosser
As head of the Energy Transition in Industry and Urban Heat Planning working groups, I focus on industrial and commercial sector-coupling concepts for regional renewable energy systems as part of the energy transition.
Research Interests
- Process integration
- Electrification of process heat
- Industrial transformation scenarios
- Sector coupling concepts
- Energy system modelling
Latest Publications
Flexible operation and integration of high-temperature heat pumps using large temperature glides
L. Knorr, F. Schlosser, N. Horstmann, D. Divkovic, H. Meschede, Applied Energy 368 (2024).
Assessment of Energy Efficiency and Flexibility Measures in Electrified Process Heat Generation Based on Simulations in the Animal Feed Industry
L. Knorr, F. Schlosser, H. Meschede, Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems 11 (2023) 0–0.
Hybrid renewable energy utility systems for industrial sites: A review
T.G. Walmsley, M. Philipp, M. Picón-Nú?ez, H. Meschede, M.T. Taylor, F. Schlosser, M.J. Atkins, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 188 (2023).
Economic Integration of a High-Temperature Heat Pump with Flexible Part-load Operation
L. Knorr, F. Schlosser, H. Meschede, Economic Integration of a High-Temperature Heat Pump with Flexible Part-Load Operation, Dubrovnik, 2023.
Break-even of high-temperature heat pump integration for milk spray drying
F. Schlosser, S. Zysk, T.G. Walmsley, L. Kong, B. Zühlsdorf, H. Meschede, Energy Conversion and Management 291 (2023).
Show all publications
Teaching Areas
- Energy efficiency in industry
- Sustainable process heat
- Process integration and waste heat utilisation
Current Courses
The researcher does not teach any courses in the current semester.
Further Information
Industrial and commercial sector coupling and transformation concepts for regional, sustainable energy systems