Dr. Dennis Ried

Research Associate

Research Associate
Henze Digital | Digital Humanities | Musicphilology
Committee - Research Associate
Musicphilology | Digital Humanities
Office Address:
Hornsche Str. 44
32756 Detmold
HFM3 E 009
Office hours:

By arrangement

Office E.09

Hornsche Str. 44
32756 Detmold

Is it all ?just? code?

About Dennis Ried

Digital research data with high indexing depth and of high quality help us to achieve valid results beyond the limits of our own research question. That is why I support the development of data resources and the discourses of the departments of Digital Musicology and Digital Humanities through active participation.

Curriculum Vitae

Since 09/2021: Henze-Digital

Paderborn University, DfG-project Henze-Digital, Research assistant (DH)

Tasks: Setup and scientific support of tools and workflows, analysis of scientific requirements as well as adaptation and further development of the WeGA WebApp, further development of TEI schemas, training and support.

01.09.2023 - 29.02.2024: Assistent of Prof. Dr. Antje Tumat

12/2023: Doctorate (Dr. phil.)

Dissertation text: ?halb und halb? – Hybride Edition als Kompromiss? Eine Studie zu Methodik, M?glichkeiten und Grenzen in der hybriden Musikedition am Beispiel der Edition von Ludwig Baumanns ?Kantate. Den Gefallenen zum Ged?chtnis, den Trauernden zum Trost?, Publishing in preparation.

12/2017 - 07/2023: Doctoral studies

University of Musik Karlsruhe, subject: Musicology

05/2019 - 08/2021: Reger-Edition (Editor)

Max-Reger-Institute Karlsruhe, Reger-Edition, Research assistant

Tasks: Edition of works by Max Reger, structural design of the edition tools (Edirom), research data management (data and code validation, XML schemas and documentation), support in the development of new features for the Max Reger Portal (MRP) and the RWA online.

05/2018 - 04/2019: Reger-Edition

Max-Reger-Institute Karlsruhe, Reger-Edtion, Research assistant

Tasks: Structural design of the edition tools (Edirom), support in research data management, programming of features for the Reger-Werkausgabe

10/2015 - 09/2017: Master of Arts, Musicology

University of Music Karlsruhe, Thesis: Ludwig Baumann – Biographische Aspekte und Konzeption eines (digitalen) Werkverzeichnisses (Masterthesis), 2017, not published.

10/2014 - 09/2015: Bachelor of Arts, Musicology

University of Music Karlsruhe, Thesis: Jean Sibelius’ ?Der Schwan von Tuonela? (Bachelorthesis), 2015, not published.

10/2010 - 09/2014: Bachelor of Arts, German studies

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Thesis: ?Welch ein Geschw?tz?. Robert Walsers ?Jakob von Gunten? (Bachelorthesis), Munich 2014.


Latest Publications

HenDi-ODD v3.0.0

D. Ried, I. Capelle, E. Minetti, HenDi-ODD v3.0.0, Henze-Digital, 2024.

HenDi-WebApp v3.0.0

D. Ried, HenDi-WebApp v3.0.0, Henze-Digital, 2024.

?Epitexte‘ in der Reger-Werkausgabe

D. Ried, in: Werk Und Beiwerk, De Gruyter, 2024.

Show all publications

You can look up data, but you have to master the method.


Teaching Areas

Fundamentals, methodology and transfer in the field of music philology and historical musicology

Current Courses

  • Praktikum - Musikwissenschaft
  • Notation und Edition Neuerer Musik
  • Die Instrumentalmusik von Georg Friedrich H?ndel

Scientific Engagement

Since 2022  |  Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Germanistische Edition

Since 2016  |  Music Encoding Initiative (MEI)

Metadata Interest Group (Co-chair seit 2021)

Since 2016  |  Gesellschaft für Musikforschung

FG Digitale Musikwissenschaft (digmus)

FG Freie Forschungsinstitute (fffi)