
MULTIPLEX: Foundational Research on MULTIIevel complex networks and systems


Key Facts

Project duration:
11/2012 - 10/2016
Funded by:
Foundational Research on MULTIlevel comPLEX networks and systems (MULTIPLEX)

More Information

Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide

Algorithmen und Komplexit?t / Heinz Nixdorf Institut (bis 2023)

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Prof. Dr. Christian Scheideler

Theory of Distributed Systems

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Project Team

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M. Sc. Markus Benter

About the person

Cooperating Institutions

University of Warsaw

Cooperating Institution

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Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

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Universit?t Wien

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Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)

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Sapienza Università di Roma

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Aalto korkeakoulus??ti? SR

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Eidgen?ssische Technische Hochschule Zürich

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Medizinische Universit?t Wien

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Universit?t Rovira i Virgili (URV)

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Universit?t Saragossa

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Aristoteles-Universit?t Thessaloniki

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Institut Ru?er Bo?kovi? (IRB)

Cooperating Institution

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Central European University (CEU)

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Bar-Ilan-Universit?t (BIU)

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Istituto per l'Interscambio Scientifico (ISI)

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Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca (IMT Lucca)

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Universit?t Leiden

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Universit?t Aveiro

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Jo?ef-Stefan-Institut (IJS, JSI)

Cooperating Institution

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London Institute for Mathematical Sciences

Cooperating Institution

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If you have any questions about this project, contact us!

M. Sc. Markus Benter

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