GREENWORLD - Think Green for the world
Greenworld - Think Green for the World is a youth education project that raises awareness of sustainability and the green economy by adopting entrepreneurship approaches for young people and developing, testing and evaluating e-learning approaches and concepts. The project addresses aspects of climate change, environmental protection and sustainability and addresses them in the context of youth activities.
The project focuses on the development, testing and evaluation of sustainable educational offers and business start-ups in youth education contexts.
It has a duration of 24 months. The project language is English.
The target group is
- youth groups
- young learners at schools
- education providers
- trainers
- lecturers
- teachers
- Youth educators
- prEUnec GmbH, Germany
- (coordinator)
- University of Paderborn, Chair of Business Education II, Germany
- (concept partner, didactics partner, university partner)
- E-digital software, Turkey
- (technology partner)
- Doganin Cocuklari Ceroki Ekolojik Yasam Ve Ingilizce Koyu Kulubu Dernegi, Turkey
- (testing partner)
- Associa??o BioLiving, Portugal
- (trial partner)
- Asociatia Share Education. Impartasim Educatiein Craiova, Romania
- (trial partner)
Greenworld - Think Green for the World is a youth education project that raises awareness of sustainability and the green economy by adopting entrepreneurship approaches for young people, developing, testing and evaluating e-learning approaches and concepts, based on the idea of broadening young people's horizons, developing themselves, thinking critically, taking responsibility, being environmentally and climate conscious, being active and knowledgeable and encouraging tomorrow's leaders to make positive changes not only in education and youth life, but also in society.
The ERASMUS+ project Greenworld - Think Green for the World focuses on the development, testing and evaluation of sustainable educational programs and business start-ups in youth education contexts. It has a duration of 24 months. The project language is English.
The project addresses aspects of climate change, environmental protection and sustainability and addresses them in the context of youth activities.
The project will develop a country-specific environmental-climate sensitivity analysis report, a Green Entrepreneurship Handbook, an Environmental Literacy Handbook and a support measure in the form of a web tool and e-learning/e-book.
The objectives are based on the idea of broadening young people's horizons, developing their skills, thinking critically, taking responsibility, being environmentally and climate aware and active. So that tomorrow's leaders are informed and encouraged to make positive changes, not only in education and youth life, but also in society.
The typical objectives for participation in the project with regard to young people are as follows:
- Increase capacity in environmental literacy
- Enable youth to be entrepreneurs in areas of the green economy
- Create opportunities for youth to acquire and utilize integrated, basic, digital and language skills
- Strengthen critical thinking and creativity
- Increase language skills and entrepreneurship
With regard to group leaders, the objectives are as follows
- Increase knowledge, experience and strategies regarding the Green Themes of the project
- Creating and promoting EU awareness and cultural interaction
- Increase language skills and entrepreneurship
Interdisciplinary Aspects and Transfer
Multiplier Events (MPE):
The multiplier events of the Think Green for the World project are
MPE 1: Berlin, Germany
MPE 2: Turkey
MPE 3: Portugal
MPE 4: Romania
Learning Teaching Training Activities (LTTAs):
Im Projekt sind fünf LTTAs vorgesehen:
LTTA 1: Green entrepreneurship - Universit?t Paderborn, Deutschland
LTTA 2: Green entrepreneurship Idea contest and events - (Youth) - Rum?nien
LTTA 3: Literacy of Environment-(staff) - Turkey
LTTA 4: Awareness of climate change STUDIES (Youth) - preEUnec Berlin, Deutschland
LTTA 5: Youths' context studies with short films about environment and climate (Youth) - Portugal
More Information
The project results are reflected in four areas: PR1 Environmental-climate sensitivity analysis reports PR2 Green Entrepreneurship Handbook PR3 Environmental Literacy Handbook PR4 Web tools and E-learning/E-Book