L:IKE - Intangible cultural heritage learning workshop for school education in NRW
On behalf of the Ministry of Culture and Science of the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia, the Chair for Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage is researching how intangible cultural heritage can be taught, discussed and reflected on from different subject perspectives in school lessons.
In dialogue with the Ministry of Schools and Education and the Quality and Support Agency - State Institute for Schools (QUA-LIS), the research area is to be scientifically prepared in theory and didactics in order to develop concrete teaching series and materials as well as handouts for teachers and students.
Key Facts
- Keywords:
- Intangible cultural heritage, school, memory culture, teaching
- Research profile area:
- Transformation and Education
- Project type:
- Research, Knowledge transfer
- Project duration:
- 11/2023 - 12/2025
- Funded by:
- Website:
More Information
If you have any questions about this project, contact us!
Jonas Leineweber
Materielles und Immaterielles Kulturerbe
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter