Hochleistungsbonden in energieeffizienten Leistungshalbleitermodulen


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Project duration:
04/2016 - 03/2019
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Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Walter Sextro

Dynamics and Mechatronics (LDM)

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Project Team

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Dr.-Ing. Tobias Hemsel

Dynamics and Mechatronics (LDM)

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Simon Althoff

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Collin Dymel

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Karsten Guth

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Andreas Unger

Cooperating Institutions

Infineon Technologies AG (IFX)

Cooperating Institution

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Hesse Mechatronics GmbH

Cooperating Institution


Using complex multi-dimensional vibration trajectories in ultrasonic bonding and welding
R. Schemmel, T. Hemsel, C. Dymel, M. Hunstig, M. Br?kelmann, W. Sextro, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 295 (2019) 653–662.
Numerical and statistical investigation of weld formation in a novel two-dimensional copper-copper bonding process
C. Dymel, P. Eichwald, R. Schemmel, T. Hemsel, M. Br?kelmann, M. Hunstig, W. Sextro, in: (Proceedings of 7th Electronics System-Integration Technology Conference, Dresden, Germany), 2018, pp. 1–6.
Experimental investigations on the impact of bond process parameters in two-dimensional ultrasonic copper bonding
C. Dymel, R. Schemmel, T. Hemsel, W. Sextro, M. Br?kelmann, M. Hunstig, in: (Proceedings of 8th Electronics IEEE CPMT Symposium Japan (ICSJ 2018), Kyoto, Japan), 2018, pp. 41–44.
Effects of different working frequencies on the joint formation in copper wire bonding
R. Schemmel, S. Althoff, W. Sextro, A. Unger, M. Br?kelmann, M. Hunstig, in: CIPS 2018 - 10th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems (CIPS 2018), Stuttgart, Germany, 2018, pp. 230–235.
Multi-dimensional Ultrasonic Copper Bonding – New Challenges for Tool Design
P. Eichwald, S. Althoff, R. Schemmel, W. Sextro, A. Unger, M. Br?kelmann, M. Hunstig, IMAPSource Vol. 2017, No. 1 (2017).
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