SPP 1391 - Optimization, pulse shaping and optical control in nanostructures
The goal of this research project is the application of optimization approaches to optically excited nanostructures consisting of metal, dielectrics and semiconductors including hybrid structures. Allowing variation of geometrical features of nanostructures and pulse shaping, the maximization of target functions is achieved using problem-specific ...
Duration: 01/2012 - 12/2015
Funded by: DFG
SPP 1388: Representation Theory
Representation theory is a cross-disciplinary branch of mathematics with a wide range of applications in mathematics and in the sciences. Chemistry uses representation theory for instance to investigate symmetries of molecules, while quantum mechanics is a classical area of applications in physics. Further applications in physics and related areas ...
Duration: 01/2012 - 12/2016
Funded by: DFG
SPP 1388 - Classical Yang-Baxter equation and sheaves on degenerations of elliptic curves (Teilprojekt)
Duration: 01/2012 - 12/2016
Funded by: DFG
Provably secure program executions through declaratively defined dynamic program analyses (RUNSECURE)
Im Rahmen des Emmy Noether Projects RUNSECURE entwickeln wir eine neuartige Programmiersprache zur Entwicklung nachweislich korrekter Monitore für die dynamische Analyse und Sicherheit. Hierdurch wird es Programmierern erm?glicht, Programme zu erhalten, die vor einer Reihe Klassen von "Vulnerabilities by Design" geschützt sind. Weitere ...
Duration: 01/2012 - 12/2018
Funded by: DFG
NetBox - Community Learning Social Networks - Harnessing Educational Assets & Addressing Educational Needs
“NetBox - Community Learning Social Networks - Harnessing Educational Assets & Addressing Educational Needs” is an internationally oriented project in the EU's Lifelong Learning Programme that is assigned to the area ‘Development of innovative ict-based content, services, pedagogies and practice for lifelong learning’. The project duration is 24 ...
Duration: 12/2011 - 01/2014
Funded by: EU
MOJO - Motivation and Job Opportunities Support Service
“MOJO - Motivation and Job Opportunities Support Service” is an internationally oriented project in the EU's Lifelong Learning Programme, assigned to the ‘Leonardo da Vinci – Transfer of Innovation’ section. The project duration is 24 months.Project partners are vocational training institutions from Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal ...
Duration: 11/2011 - 10/2013
Funded by: EU
LehramtsNavi: Beratungsorientiertes Self-Assessment am ?bergang zum Lehramtsstudium
Ziel des LehramtsNavi ist es, Lehramtsstudierenden 1. den ?bergang von der Schule in das Hochschulstudium zu erleichtern, und 2. die für ein erfolgreiches Studium und Berufsleben erforderlichen überfachlichen Kompetenzen zu st?rken. Bereits im Studium werden so St?rken und Schw?chen im Bereich überfachlicher Kompetenzen identifiziert und die ...
Duration: 10/2011 - 12/2016
Funded by: BMBF
Contact: Prof. Dr. Niclas Schaper, Prof. Dr. Heike M. Buhl
"Sportliche Expertise von Studierenden als Ressource in der sportwissenschaftlichen (Lehramts-)Ausbildung" - das Sportmentoren-Projekt
Seit dem WS 2011/12 wurde im Rahmen des vom Bundesministerium für Forschung und Bildung gef?rderten universit?ren Gesamtprojekts ?Heterogenit?t als Chance nutzen“ das Peer-to-Peer-Mentoring-Programm ?Sportliche Expertise von Studierenden als Ressource in der sportwissenschaftlichen (Lehramts-)Ausbildung“ in der Lehr- und Forschungseinheit Sport ...
Duration: 10/2011 - 09/2020
Funded by: BMBF
Test- and training environment for advanced driver assistance systems
Duration: 08/2011 - 05/2015
Funded by: EFRE.NRW