We wel­come the Chair of Sus­tain­able In­dus­tri­al­isa­tion and Re­si­li­ent In­fra­struc­ture (NI­WI) as a new spe­cial­ist group at the ILH

Another specialist group has been part of the ILH consortium since January 2025. In spring 2024, the professorship for ‘Sustainable Industrialisation and Resilient Infrastructure’ was established in cooperation with the family-owned company Bette GmbH & Co. KG from Delbrück and has been headed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Schlüter. The specialist group focusses on the holistic consideration of energy supply, production processes and products over their entire life cycle. Research focuses on climate-, energy- and resource-efficient production, sustainable transformation of industrial companies, the circular economy, energy security and resilient energy transport for manufacturing companies.

The Chair is located in Research Building Y in close proximity to the other ILH specialist groups to ensure seamless cooperation with them.

As the central scientific institution of Paderborn University, the ILH combines interdisciplinary expertise in lightweight construction in order to advance both basic and application-orientated research projects. It offers a platform for cooperation between different disciplines and areas of expertise. With the accession of the NIWI specialist group, the ILH is expanding its spectrum with essential competences in an increasingly relevant field of research. We look forward to a productive and cooperative partnership.