Am 21.02.2023 fand am Institut für Leichtbau mit Hybridsystemen (ILH) die erste Sitzung der Ende 2022 eingerichteten neuen Beir?te vom ILH und Paderborner Institut für Additive Fertigung (PIAF) statt.
In February, the research project "carboHEAT" funded by the German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU) was successfully completed over the past 18 months in cooperation with the project partners of Hotset GmbH. In the future, heatable hybrid structures based on recycled carbon fibre fleeces (rCF) can be produced for a variety of further applications in addition to the project's focus on use as a heated floor panel in camping vehicles.…
Innerhalb von nur 10 Tagen ist es uns gemeinsam gelungen über 22.000 Euro für die Beschaffung eines Notstromaggregats zu sammeln. Es wurde bereits vor einigen Tagen bestellt und kann voraussichtlich die Reise noch Ende 2022 in die Ukraine antreten.
Bei dieser Gelegenheit gaben Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mirko Schaper und Prof. Dr. Thomas Tr?ster (ILH) Einblicke in moderne Fahrzeugtechnik und Verkehrskonzepte, Energieversorgung und Digitalisierung anhand der Initiative ?Neue Mobilit?t Paderborn“.
Die Initiative ?Neue Mobilit?t Paderborn“ (NeMo Paderborn) veranstalte anl?sslich des Jubil?umsjahres der Universit?t Paderborn ein Wissenschaftscafé unter dem Titel ?Mobilit?t im Dialog – Vernetzung von Land und Stadt“.
Fahrzeuge umweltfreundlicher und effizienter herstellen – das ist das Ziel eines neuen Forschungsprojekts unter der Leitung des Lehrstuhls für ?Leichtbau im Automobil“ (LiA) an der Universit?t Paderborn.
With 524 oral and poster presentations, the Solid Freeform Fabrication (SFF) Symposium 2022 is again one of the key events for the AM comunity in the states. The DMRC contributed with all together 6 presentations on the following topics:
The ILH members - Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Mirko Schaper (Materials Science) and Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Rolf Mahnken (Technical Mechanics) - received a three-year extension of the funding for the project "Experimental and numerical determination of the correlations between the process variables of thermo-mechanical material treatment and the mechanical properties for graded mixed structures with bimodal grain size distribution" from the German…
This year, Dr Christian Lindemann and the IPM launched a new Science Symposium Session at the AM-FORUM BERLIN 2022. Under the heading "Research of Today for the Industrialization of Tomorrow", numerous topics were presented and discussed:
Auf der diesj?hrigen Fakult?tsparty wurden am Abend im Capitol die Preise für ausgezeichnete Dissertationen und die besten Ver?ffentlichungen der Fakult?t für Maschinenbau aus den letzten beiden Jahren verliehen. Getreu dem Motto ?aller guten Dinge sind 3“ gingen 3 der 4 Preise an Mitarbeiter des LWK.
The DMRC is taking part in the 50 Mosaics lecture series as part of the UPB 50th anniversary events. This mosaic will show the impact of 3D printing on the lives of each and every one of us. Various (also interactive) stations will be set up on campus to convey this message.
From 30 May to 2 June, experts from science and industry will meet at the leading trade fair for digitalisation and sustainability to exchange new projects and product ideas.
At Hannovermesse 2022, we will show which key technologies are making important contributions to the transformation of mobility. The "New Mobility Paderborn" combines research on flexible, resource-saving and networked forms of transport for people and goods through digitization, modern mobility concepts, advanced manufacturing technologies and sustainable energy generation.
Being part of a network offers many advantages and opens up new perspectives. Technology transfer and industrial cooperation have a high priority at the University of Paderborn. In the ILH and the PIAF, there are long-standing contacts to companies of different sizes, regionally and nationwide.