Doc­u­ments for down­load (world­wide part­ner uni­ver­sity or free mover)

For students who go to a partner university worldwide or who go to a university worldwide or in the Erasmus+ region as a freemover .

Erasmus+ stu­dents

Please note:

The Erasmus+ documents you need (Grant Agreement, Confirmation of Participation etc.) will be made available to you in our Mobility Online database (already known to you through the online application).

Only the documents provided in Mobility Online are valid for you. Please do NOT use Erasmus+ documents from previous years or from partner universities.

Thank you for your understanding!

Con­tact us

Mareike Schwirtz

International Office

Room I4.207
Paderborn University
360直播吧 Str. 100
33098 Paderborn

Office hours

Mon 1pm - 2pm, Thu 1pm - 2pm
Online Office-Hours via Zoom (without registration)

(We will let you enter one by one from the virtual waiting room.)