Real cost applications
University staff with disabilities or chronic illnesses as well as university staff who take their child(ren) abroad with them can submit a real cost application for the actual costs incurred.
Possible real cost applications
Employees at universities with a disability (from GdB 20) or a chronic illness who are sponsored for a stay abroad via Erasmus+ can - upon submission of a corresponding application (real cost application) - apply for support for real additional costs incurred (up to 15,000 euros) via their home university. An individual assessment is made of the expected additional costs that are likely to be incurred during the Erasmus+ mobility and are not covered by other funding bodies. For example, additional costs for barrier-free accommodation, travel assistance, medical care abroad, adaptation of learning materials or an accompanying person are taken into account.
Information on additional funding for participants with disabilities/chronic illnesses and on accessibility abroad can be found on the DAAD website.
Please note that this application must be submitted at least 2 months before the start of your stay. Therefore, please contact us as early as possible.
Employees at universities who are sponsored for a stay abroad via Erasmus+ and are travelling abroad with their child/children can apply for support for additional costs incurred in real terms (up to 15,000 euros) via their home university from the 2022 project - upon submission of a corresponding application (real costs application).
Information on additional funding for participants with child/children can be found on the DAAD website.
Please note that this application must be submitted at least 2 months before the start of your stay. Therefore, please contact us as early as possible.
Contact us
Office hours
Wednesday, 1-2 pm via Zoom
(You will be taken out of the virtual waiting room one by one).
Erasmus+ at the UPB

- Erasmus+ Code: D PADERBO01
- ECHE number (2021-2027): 101012410, Charter 2021-2027
- Erasmus+ Policy Statement 2021-2027
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Further information