Please submit your application at least 6 weeks before the start of your trip. If a visa is required (incoming and outgoing), it would be advisable to apply at least 3 months before the mobility (the sooner the better), as the waiting times for the embassy appointment and the issuing of the visa can unfortunately take quite a long time.
Administrative procedure
- The host (incoming) or sending (outgoing) institute contacts the International Office and provides precise details of the planned guest lectureship/stay.
- The International Office contacts the person to be funded and sends the Mobility Agreement.
- The person to be funded fills out the Mobility Agreement and has it signed.
- The person to be funded sends the Mobility Agreement back to the International Office (a scan is sufficient).
- The International Office checks the complete Mobility Agreement and issues approval for funding.
You will receive your grant agreement from the International Office. Please follow the instructions in the confirmation e-mail.
You will receive your grant agreement in triplicate. Sign all copies (important: signature date before mobility start date) and send them to
- return one copy to the International Office (see contact box).
- enclose one copy with your business trip application (see below).
- add one copy to your personal documents.
Information regarding the business trip application:
- Arising costs: please enter the amount of Erasmus+ funding and the reference “Erasmus+ ST”
- AO: please enter the accounting object specified in the Grant Agreement.
- Account number: please select “Dienstreise”, even in the case of training.
- Advance payment: please enclose the application for an advance payment sent to you with the business trip application in addition to the Grant Agreement so that you receive 70% of the funding before the start of the trip.
Please have your host at UPB (incoming) or at the host institution (outgoing) fill out, sign and stamp the Confirmation of Participation. The Confirmation serves as proof of the lessons you have given or the actual duration of your stay on site. The signature date must be the same date as the last day of your stay for teaching or training purposes. For example, if the teaching takes place from April 1st to April 5th, the date of the signature confirming the stay must be April 5th.
At the end of your stay, you will receive an automatically generated e-mail with access to the Erasmus+ participant report. This is mandatory for Erasmus+ funding. Please complete it within 30 days.
- Create your travel expense report and have Ms. Walczak sign the first page under “Signature of the person responsible for the budget” before submitting the travel expense report to the travel expenses office. Enclose a copy of your Confirmation of Participation and your business trip application with the claim. As the amount of Erasmus+ funding is calculated on the basis of unit costs, a simplified travel expense report without receipts and vouchers is sufficient. Only the first two columns on page 2 of the travel expense report need to be completed. (If the costs that exceed the Erasmus+ funding are paid by another AO, the calculation must be made in a pointed manner. In this case, all receipts must be enclosed and all columns of the document must be completed. If in doubt, please ask the travel expenses office for the exact data required).
- Please sent a scan of the completed, signed and stamped Confirmation of Participation to the International Office.
- At the end of your stay, you will receive an automatically generated e-mail with access to the Erasmus+ participant report. This is mandatory for Erasmus+ funding. Please complete it within 30 days. If, in the case of a blended mobility, the virtual part is after the physical part, you will only receive the invitation to the Erasmus+ participant report after the end of the virtual phase.
- Would you like to report on your stay in more detail and share your experiences with colleagues? Then we would be delighted to receive a (voluntary) report.
Reimbursement of approved costs can only be made as part of a settlement with the travel expenses centre. Please make your travel expense reimbursement promptly after your return. In general, applications for reimbursement of travel expenses must be submitted in writing within a cut-off period of six months. Travel expenses are settled on the basis of Erasmus+ unit costs (reimbursement of travel expenses and daily rates). If the financial support exceeds your actual costs incurred, you must pay tax on the surplus.
No insurance cover is associated with a grant from Erasmus+ funds. Neither the EU Commission nor the DAAD are liable for damages resulting from illness, death, accident, personal injury, loss or damage to property in connection with the Erasmus+ stay. The University would therefore like to point out to the scholarship holders that they themselves must ensure that they have adequate insurance cover for the duration of their stay abroad.
Your Erasmus+ stay abroad can be included in your personnel file. Please contact the Human Resources Department (Department 4).
Contact us
Office hours
Wednesday, 1-2 pm via Zoom
(You will be taken out of the virtual waiting room one by one).
Erasmus+ at the UPB

- Erasmus+ Code: D PADERBO01
- ECHE number (2021-2027): 101012410, Charter 2021-2027
- Erasmus+ Policy Statement 2021-2027
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Further information