Wel­come to ?up­b+ En­gage­ment. Kom­pet­enz. Beruf.“ (En­gage­ment. Com­pet­ency. Job)

The certificate of Paderborn University for an improved preparation for the job


!!! Currently, unfortunately, we are unable to issue certificates or make changes to existing offerings. This measure is necessary as we are actively assessing the optimal placement for the future management of the UPB+ Certificate. We are committed to making an informed decision to ensure effective and sustainable support.

Once this clarification is complete and the future point of contact for the certificate has been determined, we will provide feedback to all those who have inquired about the further proceedings.


With all the attractive and numerous offers for profile building as well as advanced training/continued education, it can be hard for students to keep track of everything. Aspirations to prepare as soon as possible for the job world are at an all-time high. Internships, job fairs and student jobs are often first opportunities to network for a later employment. But preparation can also be done differently: At Paderborn University you can accumulate experiences and skills while still studying, which are helpful not only for you, but also interesting for HR in an application process.

The upb+ certificate supports students through highlighting job relevant engagement alongside your studies. Successful participation in a workshop or a class can be listed within the certificate. Alternatively you can track your completed courses/sessions, through stamps on your certificate pass.

+++ In addition, online seminars of at least 120 minutes can be credited. You can find all other conditions of participation in our fact sheet.+++

The four pil­lars of up­b+

Intercultural skills in the work life are significant in a globalised world. You can build your global perspective alongside your studies at Paderborn University. Whether it is a language course, participation in the Ausl?ndische Studierenden Vertretung (ASV) or Eurobiz – there are endless possibilities!

The partners for this part and what they offer can be found here.

Soft Skills are not optional requirements for employers, they are essential. Volunteer in the International Office?s Buddy Programme, improve your presentation and creative techniques or explore your own abilities and talents in a workshop from the Zentrale Studienberatung (Student Guidance Centre). There are a lot of options to expand your key competencies!

The partners for this part and what they offer can be found here.

Do you struggle with Power Point or want to learn more about Adobe InDesign? The IMT offers a spectrum of doIT courses! You can become the treasurer for a student club, do a photography class, join a debating society or take part in an experimental game – all of that can be part of your upb+ certificate!

The partners for this part and what they offer can be found here.

Topics such as “A Career in Science”, “Salary negotiation” or “How companies recruit” are of interest to you? Then have a look at the events from the Career Service, visit a start-up seminar or learn about companies through participating in a student club. Through all of this you can learn about chances of employment throughout the region and what companies are offering

The partners for this part and what they offer can be found here.

Our Partners

An overview of all upb+ partners can be found here.


You still have questions? Check out the FAQ!