
There are a large number of scholarships for applicants and students in Germany. In addition to the 13 organisations for the promotion of gifted students, there are numerous foundations that provide scholarships of various kinds.

Re­search­ing fund­ing op­por­tun­it­ies

Scholarship programmes in Germany are very diverse and are sometimes aimed at different target groups. Specialised databases and search engines can help you find the right scholarship.


Gif­ted and tal­en­ted or­gan­isa­tions

There are 13 scholarship organisations in Germany that support students with outstanding achievements financially and with study-related programmes and offers. The amount of the financial contribution depends on the amount of BAf?G, but unlike BAf?G, the scholarship does not have to be repaid. The scholarship organisations are usually associated with organisations that represent certain values (e.g. political or religious). Identification with these values is therefore a prerequisite for the scholarship and at the same time helps to decide on a suitable scholarship.

OWL Study Fund

Students who are enrolled at one of the five state universities belonging to the OWL Study Fund and high school graduates and prospective students who would like to study at one of the five universities in the near future.
Prerequisites for an application are very good school or academic performance as well as extracurricular or non-university social commitment.

Social scholarship:
German and foreign students who are enrolled in their first degree programme at one of the five state universities belonging to the OWL Study Fund. (Exception: foreign students can also apply as a second degree student if they have completed their first degree abroad). All high school graduates and prospective students who would like to take up a first degree programme at one of the five universities in the near future can also apply.
The prerequisite for the application of the above-mentioned target group is that they can prove that they are in an unjustifiable financial or personal emergency situation that jeopardises the admission or continuation of their studies and that they can demonstrate at least satisfactory school or study performance.

Se­lec­tion of fur­ther schol­ar­ships

In addition to the organisations for the promotion of gifted students, there are other foundations that provide scholarships. The amount of financial support and the extent of other individual programmes can vary depending on the scholarship. In addition, the target group for these scholarships is also very diverse, so that not only high-achieving students have the chance to receive a scholarship. Further scholarship programmes can be researched here.

Geld zwischen Büchern.

Fur­ther op­tions for fin­an­cing your stud­ies

In addition to scholarships, there are other ways to finance your studies. In addition to BAf?G, these include student loans and housing benefits.

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