Information for Host Institutes and Institutions
Are you interested in hosting international researchers and employees or will you soon be hosting them? The Welcome Services would be happy to support you before and during your guest's or employee's stay.
Get in touch with us via e-mail or telephone. We would be happy to advise you personally and send you our checklists, etc. in order to help organise a stay, or help find accommodation on request.
If you have any questions about employment contracts and documents for international employees with an employment contract, please contact the Human Resources Department.
Below, you can find a compilation of answers to frequently asked questions that will introduce you to what the Welcome Services offer.
If you have any questions or suggestions, we look forward to hearing from you. We would also be happy to present our services personally in your institute or institution and provide you with promotional material.
The Welcome Services are a counselling and support service. We would be happy to help you with any questions you may have about international colleagues' stays. We offer individual support (e.g. in the form of personal meetings online or in person) and we see ourselves as guides within UPB and to external contact points.
In addition to help with questions about living in Paderborn and working at UPB (e.g. finding accommodation, communicating with authorities), we organise networking and information events. Receive regular updates about networking and information events we have organised by signing up for our newsletter.
We are part of the EURAXESS and Scholars at Risk networks and are therefore also in close contact with colleagues from other universities. We would also be happy to present our services personally in your institute or institution.
We are a contact point for all international researchers and employees and support both those who are currently planning a stay at UPB and colleagues who have already arrived in Paderborn with questions about living in Paderborn and working at our university.
If you are hosting international researchers who are coming to Paderborn University without an employment contract (e.g. scholarship holders, self-financed doctoral candidates) please contact us for assistance in assembling the necessary documents (such as Hosting Agreements).
For reseachers at risk and parties interested in hosting them, increased support is available. Please get in touch with us.

In addition to welcome folders and promotional materials, we are also happy to provide you and your guests with checklists in German and English to help you organise your stay (e.g. documents for visa applications, important contacts and links). These are regularly updated and kept up to date. You can request the lists on the following topics:
- Checklist for hosts of researchers and employees WITH an employment contract
- Checklist for hosts of researchers and employees WITHOUT an employment contract
- Checklist Preparations for international researchers and employees before their stay
- Accommodation options in Paderborn
- Checklist for international researchers and employees for their first steps in Paderborn
- Checklist for international researchers and employees before leaving Paderborn
All over the world, researchers are exposed to acute threats that prevent them from continuing their research in their home countries and force them to flee abroad.
Our team offers researchers at risk, and parties interested in hosting them, increased support. The Welcome Services are also involved in the global Scholars at Risk network and are responsible for funding programmes such as the Philipp Schwartz Initiative for Researchers at Risk. We would be happy to advise you personally and establish contacts if required. Please contact us via e-mail or telephone.
Please note: Refugee students are supported and advised by the International Office. Further information can be found on this website.