Fre­quently asked ques­tions about ex­am ad­min­is­tra­tion for stu­dents

Where can I find my ex­am­in­a­tion reg­u­la­tions?

The examination regulations and amendment statutes are published in the Official Notices of the Paderborn University (Verk¨¹ndungsblatt).

Which examination regulations and amendment statutes apply to the respective degree programme can be found in PAUL under "Studium > Semesterverwaltung > Anmeldung zu Veranstaltungen" ? Screenshot below

Why should I reg­u­larly look at PAUL as a stu­dent?

According to ¡ì 7 para. 2 of the Enrolment Regulations of Paderborn University, students are obliged to participate in the automated business processes and procedures used. These include, in particular, exam registration, exam deregistration and other processes in the organisation of studies in the campus management system PAUL. It is thus the central platform for studying and the associated communication.

When are the ex­am re­gis­tra­tion peri­ods?

Information on the university-wide and second examination registration phase (only in some teaching units: Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Media Studies, Physics, gff. also Sport and Home Economics) can be found on the PAUL info pages: Examination registration

Where can I find the ex­am­in­a­tion dates?

The examination dates are usually entered in PAUL by the start of the examination registration phase. You can view them both under the menu item 'Exam registration' and under 'My exams'.

You can view the rooms and times in PAUL under 'My exams' by clicking on the type of exam (e.g. 'Written exam').

What op­tions are there for with­draw­ing from ex­ams?

You can find information here on this page: Exam withdrawal

I want to de­re­gister of an ex­am, but I don't see the "De­re­gister" but­ton. What now?

If there is no "Deregister" button in PAUL under "My exams" in the row of the corresponding exam, this can have several reasons:

? The deregistration deadline has passed.
? The deregistration must be requested by e-mail from your administration.

Why don't I see an achieve­ment un­der 'Ex­am Res­ults'?

Not all achievements are shown under the menu item 'Exam results'. The majority of credits can be seen under 'Achievements'. Please click on the link 'Examinations' at the end of the line, where you will then see the corresponding achievements.

In some cases, a module is completed with two or more achievements; these are only displayed under 'Achievement account' after all compulsory and/or elective achievements have been passed.

Do I have to be en­rolled when tak­ing ex­am­in­a­tions?

Yes, according to the Higher Education Act of North Rhine-Westphalia (Hochschulgesetz NRW) and the applicable examination regulations, you must be registered when taking examinations, i.e. you must always be enrolled (in certain cases defined in the law, this also applies in the case of a leave of absence)! After exmatriculation, examinations may no longer be taken. This also applies to the submission of final papers and any other final performances (such as lectures or similar).

Do I have to stay en­rolled un­til a per­form­ance has been as­sessed?

No, you only need to be enrolled to be able to perform, e.g. on the day of an examination or during the processing period of the thesis, if applicable including a presentation or colloquium.

? It is not necessary to be enrolled to receive assessments.

However, if you are not sure whether you have passed the examination, you should remain enrolled, as this is the only way to repeat the examination if necessary.

Can I print out a cur­rent aca­dem­ic per­form­ance over­view from PAUL?

In PAUL, it is not possible to independently generate a PDF with the achievements.

See the entry How do I get a transcript of grades?

How do I get a tran­script of re­cords?

You can obtain a transcript of records as a PDF document with an electronic signature in PAUL under the menu item "Documents" if you request it from the administrators of your degree programme (see below) by e-mail or telephone. For internal university purposes (module or course registration, application for theses), it is usually sufficient to print out the performance account from PAUL-Web. The easiest way to obtain a stamped and signed transcript of records is to visit the office hours of the individual offices.

The following options are available:

  • with all achievements (incl. failed attempts and examination registrations) or only passed achievements (completed modules)
  • German or English language

The elec­tron­ic sig­na­ture has "dis­ap­peared" from my on­line per­form­ance over­view (e.g. "Noten­spiegel On­line"). What happened?

You have probably opened the original document with a non-Adobe product and saved it again. Then the signature will of course be removed. You should forward the saved documents unchanged (or only opened with Adobe Reader). The documents are not valid without a signature!

The online performance overviews from PAUL as PDF files are electronically signed and are accepted by the BaF?G office. Please note, however, that the PDF transcript of records must not and cannot be changed, as the signature would then be lost. In addition, the transcript of records must of course also be sent to the BaF?G office electronically (!

Will my semesters con­tin­ue to count if I have cred­its re­cog­nised dur­ing a leave of ab­sence for a semester abroad?

No, if you are on leave of absence, the semester will not be counted for this period. If you have achievements recognised, the semester count will be corrected and the semester will be counted (see also the current enrolment regulations of the UPB).

I am ap­ply­ing for a high­er semester and need a semester clas­si­fic­a­tion, what now?

Information on semester placement when applying for a higher semester can be found on this page: Placement in higher semesters

Will my semesters be in­creased if I have achieve­ments from an­oth­er de­gree pro­gramme re­cog­nised?

Depending on the number of ECTS points to be recognised, it is possible that a placement in a higher subject semester will be made. According to the Higher Education Act NRW, the subject semester classification is calculated according to the following formula:

ECTS points to be recognised x standard period of study / total ECTS volume of study = subject semester to be recognised in the new degree programme (value is rounded mathematically to one decimal place).


Recognised credit points Classification in subject-related semester
< 15 No classification, start in 1st semester
15 to 44 2
45 to 74 3
75 to 104 4
105 to 134 5
> 135 6


Recognised credit points Classification in semester

< 44

no classification, start in 1st semester

45 to 74


75 to 104


> 105


In this case, the current registration status is invalid, as the degree programme or subject is no longer considered "active". The corresponding semester offerings (module and/or course) are still registered in the old degree programme/subject. Please contact PAUL support and state whether other achievements are already registered or assessed in the module and into which context the module should be transferred.

Apply for a Semester Ranking Certificate from your student administration office . This shows your current semester of study, current GPA (average grade) and the data on the reference group (number, best GPA and average GPA).

I need a clear­ance cer­ti­fic­ate, how do I get it?

You can obtain a clearance certificate from your administrative office at the ZPS. If you have not yet definitively failed in your studies, you will receive this together with a current performance overview. Here, too, it is possible to issue the certificate with an electronic signature or in a printed version with a stamp and signature. The easiest way to obtain a stamped and signed certificate is to visit the individual offices during office hours.

I need a study pro­gress cer­ti­fic­ate, where can I get one?

A certificate of study history lists all semesters and courses of study in which you have previously studied at Paderborn University. Please contact the International Office (with foreign university entrance qualification).

Wo kann/muss ich meine Ab­schlus­sarbeit abgeben?

Informationen zur Abgabe von Abschlussarbeiten finden 360Ö±²¥°É im Zulassungsschreiben (PDF in PAUL) und auch auf dieser Seite. Die Abgabe ist bis Mitternacht des Abgabedatums (Fristende) in elektronischer (per UniMail ans ZPS und Begutachtenden) oder gebundener Form (beim Pf?rtner) m?glich.

Where can I see in PAUL wheth­er my thes­is has ar­rived at the ZPS?

When your thesis has arrived at the ZPS and has been processed by the respective person in charge (usually no later than 3 working days after submission), the submission is documented accordingly in PAUL. You can view this under the item "My examination" below the thesis including the date of submission.

I need a clas­si­fic­a­tion of my fi­nal grade ac­cord­ing to the ECTS grad­ing scale, what now?

The Paderborn University does not issue ECTS grades for the final grades, instead the grading is done via the grade distribution scales according to the "ECTS Guide of the European Commission". Graduates receive this information in their Diploma Supplement.

I have lost my gradu­ation doc­u­ments, how can I get a re­place­ment?

If you have lost your degree documents (certificate, transcript of records), you can have them issued again as a duplicate. To do so, please contact the respective administrative office for the degree programme.

Costs incurred: € 25 for the certificate and € 25 for the transcript of records.