Teacher training programmes
Study programme | Persons (please click on the name for details) |
Teaching degree programme at vocational colleges - Affine subject areas Master (surnames A-K) | Anne Gro??hme |
Teaching Qualification for Vocational Colleges - Affine Subject Areas Master (surnames L-Z) | Thomas Fornefeld |
Teaching Qualification for Vocational Colleges - Business Education Master (surnames A-K) | Anne Gro??hme |
Teaching Qualification for Vocational Colleges - Business Education Master (surnames L-Z) | Thomas Fornefeld |
Teaching profession at vocational colleges Bachelor | Christiane Lemmens, Doris Jakobi |
Teaching at Vocational Colleges Master (surnames A-K) | Anne Gro??hme |
Teaching at Vocational Colleges Master (surnames L-Z) | Thomas Fornefeld |
Teaching degree at primary schools Bachelor | Christiane Lemmens, Doris Jakobi |
Teaching degree in primary schools Master (surnames A-K) | Anne Gro??hme |
Primary School Teacher Training Master (surnames L-Z) | Thomas Fornefeld |
Teaching degree for grammar schools and comprehensive schools Bachelor | Christiane Lemmens, Doris Jakobi |
Teaching degree programme for grammar schools and comprehensive schools Master (surnames A-K) | Anne Gro??hme |
Teaching degree for grammar schools and comprehensive schools Master (surnames L-Z) | Thomas Fornefeld |
Teaching degree programme at Hauptschulen, Realschulen, secondary schools and comprehensive schools Bachelor | Christiane Lemmens, Doris Jakobi |
Teaching degree programme at Hauptschulen, Realschulen, secondary schools and comprehensive schools Master's degree (surnames A-K) | Anne Gro??hme |
Teaching degree programme at Hauptschulen, Realschulen, secondary schools and comprehensive schools Master's degree (surnames L-Z) | Thomas Fornefeld |
Teaching special needs education Bachelor's degree | Christiane Lemmens, Doris Jakobi |
Teaching special needs education Master's degree (surnames A-K) | Anne Gro??hme |
Teaching special needs education Master (surnames L-Z) | Thomas Fornefeld |
Degree programmes in cultural studies (except teaching degree)
Study programme | Persons (please click on the name for details) |
BeNeLux-Studies (Master) (Surnames A-M) | Kinan Kandalaft |
BeNeLux-Studies (Master) (Surnames N-Z) | Astrid Paulus-Frick |
English and American Studies (Master) | Kinan Kandalaft |
?tudes Européennes/European Studies (Bachelor) | Karin Sch?fer |
German Literature (Master) (surnames A-M) | Kinan Kandalaft |
German Literary Studies (Master) (surnames N-Z) | Astrid Paulus-Frick |
Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies (Master) (Surnames A-M) | Kinan Kandalaft |
Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies (Master) (Surnames N-Z) | Astrid Paulus-Frick |
Cultural Heritage (Master) (Surnames A-M) | Kinan Kandalaft |
Cultural Heritage (Master) (Surnames N-Z) | Astrid Paulus-Frick |
Culture and Society (Master) (Surnames A-M) | Kinan Kandalaft |
Culture and Society (Master) (Surnames N-Z) | Astrid Paulus-Frick |
Linguistics (Bachelor, Master) (surnames A-M) | Kinan Kandalaft |
Linguistics (Bachelor, Master) (Surnames N-Z) | Astrid Paulus-Frick |
Media Studies (Bachelor, Master) (surnames A-M) | Kinan Kandalaft |
Media Studies (Bachelor, Master) (Surnames N-Z) | Astrid Paulus-Frick |
Musicology (Bachelor, Master) | Karin Sch?fer |
Popular Music and Media (Bachelor, Master) | Karin Sch?fer |
PopMediaCulture (Master) | Karin Sch?fer |
Two-subject area (Bachelor) (surnames A-M) | Kinan Kandalaft |
Two-subject Bachelor (Bachelor) (surnames N-Z) | Astrid Paulus-Frick |
Study programmes in economics
Study programme | Person (please click on the name for details) |
Master of Business Administration | Jens Eichler |
International Business Studies (Bachelor) | Please use the e-mail zps.wiwi.ba2@zv.upb.de |
International Business Studies Master | Jens Eichler |
International Economics and Management Master | Jens Eichler |
Management Master | Jens Eichler |
Management Information Systems Master | Jens Eichler |
Sports Economics Bachelor | Jens Eichler |
Taxation, Accounting and Finance Master | Jens Eichler |
Business Informatics Bachelor | Use the e-mail zps.wiwi.ba2@zv.upb.de |
Business Informatics Master | Jens Eichler |
Business Education (M. Sc. only) | Jens Eichler |
Economics Bachelor | Juri Andreas |
Study programmes in the natural sciences
Study programme | Persons (please click on the name for details) |
Applied Sports Science (Bachelor) | Astrid Paulus-Frick |
Applied Neurosciences in Sports and Exercise (Master) | Karin Sch?fer |
Occupational Health Management (Master) | Karin Sch?fer |
Chemistry (Bachelor, Master) | Karin Sch?fer |
Materials Science (Master) | Karin Sch?fer |
Materials Science (Bachelor) | Karin Sch?fer |
Optoelectronics and Photonics (Master) | Karin Sch?fer |
Physics (Bachelor, Master) | Karin Sch?fer |
Study programmes in mechanical engineering
Study programme | Persons (please click on the name for details) |
Chemical Engineering (Bachelor, Master) | Petra Guzinski |
Mechanical Engineering (Bachelor) | Sandy Klaholz |
Mechanical Engineering (Master) | Petra Guzinski |
Industrial Engineering specialising in Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering (Bachelor, Master) (surnames A-K) | Petra Guzinski |
Industrial Engineering specialising in Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering (Bachelor's, Master's) (surnames L-Z) | Sandy Klaholz |
Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics degree programmes
Study programme | Persons (please click on the name for details) |
Computer Engineering (Bachelor, Master) (surnames A-K) | Ramazan Uysal |
Computer Engineering (Bachelor, Master) (surnames L-Z) | Ulf Harms-Ensink |
Electrical Systems Engineering (Master) (Surnames A-K) | Ramazan Uysal |
Electrical Systems Engineering (Master) (Surnames L-Z) | Ulf Harms-Ensink |
Electrical Engineering (Bachelor, Master) (surnames A-K) | Petra Guzinski |
Electrical Engineering (Bachelor, Master) (surnames L-Z) | Sandy Klaholz |
Computer Science (Bachelor, Master) (surnames A-K) | Ulf Harms-Ensink |
Computer Science (Bachelor, Master) (surnames L-Z) | Ulf Harms-Ensink |
Mathematics (Bachelor, Master) (surnames A-Z) | Ulf Harms-Ensink |
Technomathematics (Bachelor, Master) (surnames A-Z) | Ramazan Uysal |
Special groups
Special group | Persons (please click on the name for details) |
Administrative tasks regarding maternity leave for all female students | Astrid Paulus-Frick |
Entrance examination for those qualified in vocational education | Anne Gro??hme |
Graduate statistics - Bachelor and Master | Manuel Le?mann |
Graduate statistics - doctoral graduates | Thomas Fornefeld |
Administration Examination Management Exchange Students | Thomas Fornefeld |
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