Kick-off ses­sion of the Eng­lish peer coach­ing pro­gramme "Start­ing Your PhD"

In the initial phase of their doctorate, doctoral candidates may feel left alone with a multitude of interdisciplinary questions. The Paderborn University's peer coaching programme is designed to counteract this: Doctoral candidates in the first year of their doctorate come together, exchange ideas on topics that are currently on their minds and support each other in several sessions. The topics discussed in the individual sessions can be introduced by the participants themselves and the meetings can be organised according to their needs. This group is aimed specifically at international doctoral candidates and is therefore offered in English.

Further information can be found on the website of the Academic Career Development Office.


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Dr. Henriette-Juliane Seeliger

Academic Career Development Office

Academic Advisor for Early Career Researchers

Write email +49 5251 60-2109
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Dr. Alexandra Wiebke

Academic Career Development Office

Head of Academic Career Development

Write email +49 5251 60-3353