Cul­tur­al and lin­guist­ic di­versity: po­etry slam on the top­ic of "mul­ti­lin­gual­ism"

Location: AStA Stadtcampus (K?nigsplatz 1)

On 21 February, the world celebrates Mother Language Day, which UNESCO has proclaimed to sponsor linguistic and cultural diversity. Paderborn University wants to draw attention to this day of remembrance with a poetry slam on the topic of "multilingualism" on Wednesday, 19 February. In German and English word contributions, students who grew up with a mother tongue other than German or bilingually or who are interested in this topic will provide insights into their everyday lives in a creative way. All interested parties are invited to the AStA Stadtcampus (K?nigsplatz 1) from 7 pm, admission is free.

The event is jointly organised by the Student Council for Romance, English and German Studies (FRAG), the Language Centre (ZfS) and Paderborn University's "German as a Second and Foreign Language" (DaZ/DaF) and "Inclusion with a Focus on Language and Communication" departments.

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Photo (Paderborn University, FRAG): The Paderborn Student Council for Romance, English and German Studies (FRAG) regularly organises poetry slams.
