Denominational sensitivity to differences in the school subject ?Religionsunterricht für alle' (RUfa) in Hamburg. Empirical studies on professional and teaching research


Religious education in public schools is increasingly confronted with social conditions in which it no longer encounters a denominationally and religiously homogeneous, but rather a secular and religiously pluralistic student body. New models of religious education are therefore being designed and tested; one of these is the so-called ?Religionsunterricht für alle“ (RUfa) in Hamburg, in which a dialogical space is created where different religious communities share responsibility for religious education in public schools. The research project is dedicated to this religious education in particular to the field of teaching and professional research of the teachers employed there. The project aims to gain insights into the individual positionality and teaching of teachers, the challenges and success factors of RUfa and the needs for teacher training.

Key Facts

Project duration:
12/2022 - 11/2025
Funded by:
Erzbistum Hamburg

More Information

Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr. Jan Woppowa


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Project Team

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Jonas Maximilian Hüster


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