
TAP – Text Analysis Portal


The “Text Analysis Portal” (TAP) is a web-based blended learning module that is used to teach German Linguistics at the University of Paderborn. The portal is implemented in the university’s learning management system Moodle (called “PANDA”) and is used there in the basic seminar “Introduction to Text Linguistics”. The core of the TAP are explanatory videos taking the learner through the different steps of linguistic text analysis.

Key Facts

Project duration:
01/2014 - 12/2024

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Principal Investigators

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Dr. Manuel Wille

Germanistische und Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft

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Prof. Dr. Britt-Marie Schuster

Dekanat Kulturwissenschaften

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Christopher Georgi

Die Evolution von komplexen Textmustern (t.evo)

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