

From September 2020 until the end of 2021, three international digital collaboration projects at Paderborn University are being funded by the DAAD’s new funding programme IVAC (International Virtual Academic Collaboration).

The programme’s main objectives are the integration of digital collaboration formats in teaching and learning, the design of new mobility patterns (virtual/blended mobility) and the improvement of digital and intercultural competencies.



The "DigiChemLab" aims at developing a virtual learning platform for chemical-technical education by means of Virtual Reality technology. It thus a complementary offer for students to prepare e.g. for internships in chemical laboratories.



  • Prof. F. Meyer auf der Heide
  • Dr. M. Fischer
  • Prof. W. Bremser
  • Dr. H. T. Tran-Thien
  • Prof. S. Fechner
  • Dr. S. Habig

Key Facts

Project duration:
09/2020 - 12/2021
Funded by:
Projektliste DAAD
Projektseite HNI
Algorithmen für Computergrafik
Forschung Fechner
Mitteilung vom 4.9.2020

More Information

Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Bremser

Key research area Sustainable Materials, Processes and Products

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Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide

Algorithmen und Komplexit?t / Heinz Nixdorf Institut (bis 2023)

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Prof. Dr. Sabine Fechner

Chemistry Education - Research Group Fechner

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Project Team

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Dr. Matthias Fischer

Theory of Distributed Systems

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Prof. Dr. Sebastian Habig

Chemistry Education - Research Group Fechner

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Cooperating Institutions

Qingdao University of Science and Technology (QUST)

Cooperating Institution

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Shandong University (SDU)

Cooperating Institution

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