ComeSport Competence Network – Digitalization and Sport in Teacher Education: Teaching, Education and Learning
The ComeSport Competence Network consists of 11 collaborating universities, situated in 4 different federal states. The aim is to enhance and implement in a sustained manner digital and digital-based teaching in physical education at school as well as in continuing education. The focus is on systematization, high-quality research and (further) development of further and continuing education moduls in the topic “Teaching, Education and Learning in and through Sport”, with the aim of sustainable implementation through the enlargement of existing networks and digital infrastructures.
ComeNet ?Body Images and Social Media in Physical Education“ at Paderborn University (Prof. Dr. Elke Grimminger-Seidensticker): The ComeNet aims qualifying physical education teachers for critical media education in physical education. They should be able to enable their students to deal reflectively with digitally/medially conveyed body images, fitness ideals and health promises. Thus, training modules are to be developed that (1) sensitize PE teachers to the significance of digital offerings in the thematic complex of sport, body, and health in the living environment of students, (2) enhance media didactic competence of physical education teachers and enable them for a critical analysis and reflexive preparation and use of digital contents in physical education, and therefore (3) enhance media pedagogical competence of physical education teachers with the aim to enhance media competence of students via a critical reflection of digital sport-, body- or health-related contents. The overarching aim is to enable students for a critical-reflexive sport- and health-related behaviour, which includes the questioning societal- and media-based body ideals. Thus, there might be a potential in preventing body dissatisfaction and with it associated psychosocial developmental risks.
Key Facts
- Grant Number:
- 01JA23K02J
- Research profile area:
- Transformation and Education
- Project type:
- Knowledge transfer
- Project duration:
- 07/2023 - 02/2026
- Contribution to sustainability:
- Quality Education
- Funded by:
More Information
If you have any questions about this project, contact us!
Prof. Dr. Elke Grimminger-Seidensticker
Theory and Practice of Sports and Movement Fields
Professorin - Leiterin