
studiolo communis: a co-active working environment for an extended research discourse in the history of art and architecture


In the interdisciplinary research project "studiolo communis", a working environment was developed based on the studiolo of the Renaissance - a room for study and contemplation equipped with works of art, study objects and books - which supports the examination, comparison, evaluation, linking and commenting of media objects and research results.

For this purpose, images from an image database can be integrated - in Paderborn the database easyDB is used for the "Image Archive of the UNESCO Competence Centre". But also other media objects such as text, sound and film recordings can be integrated. Here the metaphor of cooperative knowledge spaces is implemented, where media objects can be created, edited and arranged in a cooperative way (communicative, cooperative and collaborative).

The cooperative working environment is integrated into the infrastructure of the university and has interfaces to technical systems (authentication, communication, data backup, ...) as well as to other research-relevant systems (document and literature management).

The IMT was responsible for the project management, in particular meetings and the final conference were organized. In addition to the basic infrastructure, the IMT operates the Paderborn image database and the collaboration platform SharePoint, which was introduced within the project. In the project, IMT defined and managed the interfaces between the systems.

Project funding: The project "studiolo communis - building a co-active working environment for an extended research discourse in the history of art and architecture in support of the UNESCO Centre of Excellence 'Material and Immaterial Cultural Heritage'" was funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) as part of the programme "Scientific Library Services and Information Systems (LIS)".

Employees at the IMT: Andreas Brennecke, Alexander Strothmann

Other project participants: Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Seng, Professorship for Material and Immaterial Cultural Heritage UNESCO, Prof. Dr. Reinhard Keil, Professorship "Informatics and Society" at the Heinz Nixdorf Institute

Project leadership:

Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Seng, Professorship for Material and Immaterial Cultural Heritage UNESCO

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Keil, Professorship ?Computer Science and Society" at the Heinz Nixdorf Institute

Dr. Gudrun Oevel, head of the Information and Media Technologies Center (IMT) 


Project management:

Andreas Brennecke

Information and Media Technologies Center (IMT)


Project team:

Doris Hartmann, UNESCO Competence Centre

Carolin Mischer, Chair of Material and Immaterial Cultural Heritage UNESCO

Heiko N?then, Information and Media Technologies Center (IMT)

Andreas Oberhoff, Chair of Computer Science and Society

Jonas Schulte, Chair of Computer Science and Society

Alexander Strothmann, Information and Media Technologies Center (IMT)

Funding source: DFG (

Programme: Scientific literature supply and information systems (LIS) (

Funding reference number: INST 214/56-1 and OE 499/1-2

Key Facts

Grant Number:
INST 214/56-1 OE 499/1-2
Project type:
Project duration:
06/2010 - 09/2013
Funded by:

More Information

Principal Investigators

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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reinhard Keil

Contextual Informatics (until 2019) / Heinz Nixdorf Institut

About the person
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Prof. Dr. Prof. h.c. mult. (HAUST, LIT) Eva- Maria Seng

Materielles und Immaterielles Kulturerbe

About the person
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Prof. Dr. Gudrun Oevel

Key research area Transformation and Education

About the person

Project Team

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Heiko N?then

Centre for Information and Media Technology Services (ZIM)

About the person
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Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Oberhoff

Contextual Informatics (until 2019) / Heinz Nixdorf Institut

About the person
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Andreas Brennecke

Centre for Information and Media Technology Services (ZIM)

About the person



Final report of the project:

studiolo communis – ?Aufbau einer ko-aktiven Arbeitsumgebung für einen erweiterten Forschungsdiskurs in der Kunst- und Architekturgeschichte zur Unterstützung des UNESCO Kompetenzzentrums ?Materielles und Immaterielles Kulturerbe‘“ (INST 214/56-1, OE 499/1-2)

Reporting period June 2010 - September 2013

( Abschlussbericht_DFG-Projekt_Studiolo_communis_der_ Universitaet_Paderborn.pdf)

Final publication still to be published:

Keil, R., Oevel, G., Seng, E.-M. (Hrsg.): Studiolo. Kooperative Forschungsumgebungen in den eHumanities. Berlin / New York: de Gruyter 2015


Andreas Brennecke, Gudrun Oevel, Alexander Strothmann: Vom studiolo zur virtuellen Forschungsumgebung. In (Müller, P., Neumair, B., Dreo Rodosek, G. Hrsg.): 4. DFN-Forum Kommunikationstechnologien, Beitr?ge der Fachtagung. GI-Edition - Lecture Notes in Informatics, K?llen Verlag, Bonn, 2011; S. 69-78

Reinhard Keil, Jonas Schulte, Andreas Oberhoff: Unterstützung des ko-aktiven Forschungsdiskurses durch Synergien zwischen E-Learning und E-Science. In (K?hler, T., Neumann, J. Hrsg.): Wissensgemeinschaften – Digitale Medien – ?ffnung und Offenheit in Forschung und Lehre. Waxmann: Münster 2011, S. 81-91