Projects from Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Walter Sextro
Digitaler Bahnhof Minden
Im Innovationsfeld ?Vernetzte Mobilit?t und Logistik“ der Innovationsstrategie für NRW ist das Feld ?Bahnhof der Zukunft“ ein gerade für kleinere oder mittelgro?e Bahnh?fe wichtiges Arbeitsfeld, um zu einer nachhaltigen, multimodalen st?dtischen Mobilit?t im Rahmen des ?bergangs zu einer CO2 neutralen Wirtschaft zu kommen. Ziel des hier ...
Duration: 06/2024 - 11/2026
Funded by: EFRE.NRW
Innovative bleifreie Ultraschallsysteme
Piezokeramiken werden z. B. in Kfz-Einparkassistenten, diagnostischem Ultraschall und industriellen Herstellprozessen eingesetzt. Aufgrund der EU-Richtlinie 2011/65/EU sollen gef?hrliche Stoffe – wie Blei – in Elektro- und Elektronikger?ten durch Alternativen ohne giftige Schwermetalle ersetzt werden. Der Verzicht auf Blei hat in Piezokeramiken ...
Duration: 03/2024 - 02/2026
Funded by: BMWK
Automated rail transport as a backbone for sustainable, networked mobility in rural areas
A current challenge in the transformation of the transportation system is to combine individuality with efficiency and sustainability. In this context, automation, autonomous driving, intelligent traffic management, digital connectivity and networked mobility play a central role. The aim of the "enableATO" project is to implement modern ideas for ...
Duration: 01/2024 - 12/2026
Funded by: BMDV
Hybrid Modeling for Data-enhanced Multiobjective Optimization of Multibody Systems
There is hardly ever a situation where only one goal is of interest at a time. When carrying out a purchase, for example, we want to pay a low price for a high quality product. In the same manner, multiple objectives are present in the design of essentially all technical systems such as fast and energy efficient electric vehicles, light yet stable ...
Duration: 10/2022 - 09/2025
Funded by: DFG
SAIL: SustAInable Life-cycle of Intelligent Socio-Technical Systems
Current systems that incorporate AI technology mainly target the introduction phase, where a core component is training and adaptation of AI models based on given example data. SAIL’s focus on the full life-cycle moves the current emphasis towards sustainable long-term development in real life. The joint project SAIL addresses both basic research ...
Duration: 08/2022 - 07/2026
Funded by: MKW NRW
Industrie 4.0 ?kosystem für den automatisierten Einsatz von datengetriebenen Services (I4.0AutoServ)
Collecting and processing machine and production data is becoming increasingly important for companies. This is because the processing of data gives them the opportunity to derive maintenance and individual service offers. This means that a mechanical engineering company can not only provide its machine, but also offer a service that uses data to ...
Duration: 07/2022 - 12/2024
Funded by: it’s OWL, MWIKE NRW
Remaining Useful Lifetime for New and Used Technical Systems under Non-Stationary Conditions
Condition-based maintenance and predictive maintenance are increasingly applied in the industry due to their ability of ensuring an optimum utilization of the monitored system. These maintenance strategies allow for diagnosing and predicting the health states of the system under stationary operating conditions. However, technical systems mostly ...
Duration: 04/2021 - 09/2024
Funded by: DFG
Hochleistungsbonden in energieeffizienten Leistungshalbleitermodulen
Duration: 04/2016 - 03/2019
Funded by: EFRE.NRW
Intelligente Herstellung zuverl?ssiger Kupferbondverbindungen
Duration: 01/2013 - 12/2015
Funded by: it’s OWL, BMBF
Intelligent technical systems OWL, cross-sectional project self-optimisation
Die Anforderungen an die Verl?sslichkeit, Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Ressourceneffizienz von Produkten und Produktionssystemen steigen mit den Ansprüchen der Kunden an Qualit?t und Bedienung. Zur Vermeidung hoher Kosten muss dabei auch der Energieverbrauch reduziert werden. Hohe Optimierungspotenziale liegen in Verfahren der Selbstoptimierung (SO), ...
Duration: 07/2012 - 06/2017
Funded by: BMBF