The three-year research project "Didactic-diagnostic potentials of inclusion-oriented subject teaching", or DiPoSa for short, which was carried out by a team of researchers from Paderborn University, Bielefeld University and the University of Cologne, was successfully completed at the end of last year. The aim of the project was to improve the inclusive education of children through resource-orientated and support-related diagnostics and to make…
Artificial Intelligence,
Press release,
Faculty of Business Administration and Economics,
Faculty of Arts and Humanities,
Komparatistik/Vergleichende Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft
The student project area "oikos" has been campaigning for sustainability at Paderborn University since 2009. The association's many years of commitment have now been recognised with the alumni network's "Outstanding Commitment 2024" award.
Optoelectronics and Photonics,
Collaborative Research Centres,
Quantum Computation,
Press release,
Institute for Photonic Quantum Systems (PhoQS),
Faculty of Science,
Department of Physics
Press release,
Graduate Centre of the Faculty of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics,
Department of Computer Science
Many people are often exposed to risks in the digital space without realising it - sometimes with serious consequences. This is where doctoral candidate Anna Lena Rotthaler's research comes in: As part of her doctorate at the Chair of Empirical Software Engineering at Paderborn University, the computer scientist has developed the "Security App".
In December, the German government published its strategy for autonomous driving in road transport. The large-scale mobility system NeMo.bil, whose initiator Prof Dr Thomas Tr?ster heads the Chair of Lightweight Automotive Design at Paderborn University, is presented as an example for the field of local public transport.
Press release,
Business Administration and Economics,
Paderborn Research Center for Sustainable Economy (PARSEC)
The university management calls for proposals for undergraduate and graduate scholarships to promote excellent young researchers at Paderborn University