Photo (Paderborn University, Roland Mikosch): Testing is performed on model organisms such as these agar plates to determine whether or not the active ingredients bound to the DNA origami inhibit bacterial growth. This involves a direct comparison of growth rates with and without DNA origami.
Ein Team aus Medienwissenschaftler*innen und Soziolog*innen der Universit?t Paderborn plant, in einer Studie Menschen unterschiedlichen Alters, Geschlechts und sozialer Milieus zu ihren Begegnungen mit KI im Alltag zu befragen.
In a presentation given at the university, Professor Rebecca Grotjahn, 2020 Research Award Winner, presented the findings of her research project entitled ¡®Creating editions of phonographic music¡¯.
The North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts (AWK NRW) today announced that Junior Professor Hans-Georg Steinr¨¹ck, a chemist at Paderborn University, is one of 17 researchers to have been admitted to its Young Academy (Das Junges Kolleg).
Researchers at Paderborn University are working on a large-scale research project to develop explainable machine learning for large-scale knowledge graphs.
By examining integer structures, the new collaborative research centre¡¯s research programme aims to bring together sub-fields of mathematics. Photo: Bielefeld University/S. Jonek
Collaborative Research Centres
Photo (Shutterstock/ Chipless RFID tags work without a communication protocol. They use a grid of so-called dipole antennas, which consist of two straight metal rods or wires.
Foto (OstWestfalenLippe GmbH): Freuen sich auf die Zusammenarbeit im Projekt: Vertreter*innen der zw?lf Partnerorganisationen in der Lehrwerkstatt des Richard-von-Weizs?cker-Berufskollegs in Paderborn.
[Translate to English:] Symbolbild (Universit?t Paderborn): Auch in der Chemie kommen Quantencomputer zum Einsatz. Da helfen sie zum Beispiel, die Struktur von Molek¨¹len zu analysieren.
Illustration photo (Paderborn University, Besim Mazhiqi): Researchers from the ¡®Integrated Quantum Optics¡¯ working group entangle photons, the smallest possible light particles.