(Language-) programmes at the University of Paderborn
In the following, please find some information about various activities for refugees by Paderborn University:
DSH (German language course at Paderborn University)
Project NRWege ins Studium (DSH course funding and scholarship programme)
Project InRegio (Support during studies and for the transition to the labour market)
Sprachbegleitung Geflüchteter (Language support for refugees offered by the PLAZ as part of the teacher training programme)
Academic tutoring program ACWEL for refugee degree students at Paderborn University
English Master programs (German language skills not required)
Language Assistance for Refugees
Central Student Advisory Center (Zentrale Studienberatung / ZSB)
Project group "Students for Refugees": Movie about activities for refugees in Paderborn (in German language)
Contact persons for refugees at Paderborn University
Contact for refugees: Dr. Markus Holt, Faculty EIM, Mail: geschaeftsfuehrung-eim(at)upb.de.
Contact for refugees: Sascha Schiller (Mr), sascha.schiller@upb.de
Contact for refugees: Sebastian Buck (Mr), studium@wiwi.upb.de
Contact for refugees: Prof. Dr. Christine Freitag (Mrs), cfreitag@mail.upb.de or studienbuero-kw@upb.de
Contact for refugees: Sina Rueweler (Mrs) rueweler@plaz.upb.de and Ann Katrin Schade (Mrs) schade@plaz.upb.de