Projects from Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner

Wirtschaftsp?dagogik und Evaluationsforschung

67 projects were found
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UglyFruitsNOT! "Ugly" fruits and veggies...NOT! - An innovative educational program towards sustainable consumption and food waste reduction

The ERASMUS+ project UglyFruitsNOT! is concerned with promoting sustainability awareness and the design, implementation and evaluation of training measures for vocational trainers with regard to consumer education issues related to the reduction of fruit and vegetable waste in the context of sustainable production. To this end, awareness and ...

Duration: 05/2022 - 05/2024

Funded by: EU

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5G Learning Places OWL

 5G presents new challenges and opportunities in vocational education and training. The digital transformation is also changing the world of work and professions and, with it, vocational training.

Duration: 05/2022 - 12/2025

Funded by: MWIKE NRW

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GREENWORLD - Think Green for the world

Greenworld - Think Green for the World is a youth education project that raises awareness of sustainability and the green economy by adopting entrepreneurship approaches for young people and developing, testing and evaluating e-learning approaches and concepts. The project addresses aspects of climate change, environmental protection and ...

Duration: 03/2022 - 03/2024

Funded by: EU

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EU-CERT European Certificates and Accreditation for European Projects

The ERASMUS+ project EU-CERT - European Certificates and Accreditation for European Projects - focuses on the development, testing and evaluation of European standards for project accreditation and certification in adult education.It has a duration of 28 months and the project language is English.The EU-CERT project is located in the field of adult ...

Duration: 02/2022 - 05/2024

Funded by: EU

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Reliable Green - Remote work, telework and learning with innovative and accessible educational resources for businesses and labor markets in Europeans Green Economy

The ERASMUS+ project 'Reliable Green Remote work, telework and learning with innovative and accessible educational resources for businesses and labor markets in Europeans Green Economy' is concerned with the development, testing and evaluation of solutions for home and digital work in European contexts of a sustainable and green economy, as well as ...

Duration: 02/2022 - 01/2024

Funded by: EU

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Interface - Using agile, interactive learning environments to promote work-based learning in cVET

The ERASMUS+ project Interface - in Action - Using agile, interactive learning environments to promote work-based learning in cVET is concerned with the development, testing and evaluation of WBT and online solutions, such as digital breakouts and web quests in the field of work-based learning in continuing education.It has a duration of 24 months ...

Duration: 12/2021 - 12/2023

Funded by: EU

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CoopCities - Learning from urban cities sustainable solutions to deal with the global challenges faced due to COVID pandemic

The ERASMUS+ project CoopCities is concerned with promoting the skills and competencies of urban actors with a view to sustainable urban development. To this end, the development, testing and evaluation of a status report, a blueprint for serious game development, the serious game itself and a learning platform will be implemented. CoopCities has a ...

Duration: 11/2021 - 10/2023

Funded by: EU

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DigiComConsumer - Integrating Digital Competence for Consumers in secondary education through Digital Games Based Learning co creation approach

The ERASMUS+ project DigiComConsumer aims to provide practical solutions for the introduction of digital consumer education into school curricula based on the 'Digital Literacy Framework for Consumers'.The project objectives are:- Providing up-to-date training for teachers that encourages them to integrate and effectively use digital learning ...

Duration: 11/2021 - 10/2023

Funded by: EU

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InWeDig - Intermediation von Weiterbildung und Digitale Transformation als Herausforderungen für Bildungs-?kosysteme am Beispiel des Weiterbildungsraums it’s OWL

The overarching objective of the InWeDig project is to develop a didactic and technical-economic toolbox for the user- and quality-centered improvement of intermediary marketplace and learning platforms and their integration into regional training areas. The toolbox is designed to systematically enable the actors in a regional education area or ...

Duration: 09/2021 - 08/2024

Funded by: BMBF, BIBB

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FEL - Electronic training record

The use of e-learning tools is not yet fully integrated into everyday life for teachers and learners in the vocational training sector, and particularly in vocational nursing training. This applies to teachers in the sense of the educational staff at nursing schools as well as to the practical instructors, i.e. the employees responsible for ...

Duration: 09/2021 - 08/2024

Funded by: BIBB