Musical Communities in the (Post-)Digital Age - Teilprojekt Paderborn (MusCoDA-TPP)
MusCoDA untersucht Songwriting-Prozesse als Beispiel kollektiver Kreativit?t in (post-)digitalen Gemeinschaften. Im Fokus des Teilprojekts an der Universit?t Paderborn stehen informelle Bands und Solomusiker:innen, w?hrend das Erfurter Teilprojekt Songwriting an Schulen in den Blick nimmt. Dabei werden kollaboratives und kooperatives Lernen in ...
Duration: 12/2020 - 02/2025
Funded by: BMBF
Contact: Timo Neuhausen, M.Ed.
Besuch im Atelier des 21. Jahrhunderts
Was bedeutet der Einzug der sogenannten ?Digitalen Revolution“ in die Ateliers von Künstlerinnen und Künstlern der Gegenwart? Inwieweit dominiert und homogenisiert der Computer zunehmend den Atelierraum? Wie pr?gt die Digitaltechnik den Atelieralltag und verschiebt dadurch Gewichtungen innerhalb des Ateliers? Ist das Atelier zugleich Unternehmen, ...
Duration: 11/2020 - 01/2021
digGer – Open education in German studies – Project phase I
The digGer project focuses on the development of modular, multimedia-supported learning arrangements embedded in three operational scenarios. These consist of seven interrelated subject areas to promote media technology, media communication and media reflexive skills for philologists, especially German studies or German language didactics, text, ...
Duration: 11/2020 - 10/2022
Funded by: MKW NRW
STORMYTUNE: Spectral-Temporal Metrology with Tailored Quantum Measurements – EU FET Open Project
STORMYTUNE is a three-year project within the framework of the EU’s Horizon 2020 FET Open Calls. The strategic goal of STORMYTUNE is to establish quantum time and frequency measurements as upcoming quantum technology. To this end, we develop novel quantum inspired methods for the measurement of timings and spectra with a resolution that overcomes ...
Duration: 10/2020 - 02/2024
Funded by: EU
Contact: Prof. Dr. Christine Silberhorn, Dr. Benjamin Brecht
Digital process integration in vocational teacher training
?Die digitale Transformation ver?ndert Berufe in einer Geschwindigkeit, die berufsbildende Schulen – und in der Konsequenz die berufliche Lehrerbildung – vor gro?e Herausforderungen stellt. Das Projekt ?DiPoLe‘ betrachtet die digitale Transformation nicht als prim?r technologische Herausforderungen; vielmehr versteht es digitale Transformation als ...
Duration: 10/2020 - 12/2023
Funded by: MKW NRW
Family Business Library Rural and Regional Libraries as Local Family Entrepreneurship centres
Family Business Library Rural and Regional Libraries as Local Family Entrepreneurship centresThe ERASMUS Family Business Library project is an adult education project funded by the European Commission. It promotes entrepreneurship education in non-urban and rural areas. The core idea of the project is to reach out to people in rural areas through ...
Duration: 10/2020 - 05/2022
Funded by: EU
KIAM: Competence center AI in the working world of industrial SMEs in OstWestfalenLippe
AI for a better working worldHow will artificial intelligence change the world of work? How can companies use new technologies to relieve their employees and increase their competitiveness? And how can employees be prepared for the change? Answers to these questions will be provided by the "AI for the working world of industrial SMEs" (KIAM) ...
Duration: 10/2020 - 09/2025
Funded by: BMBF
ZuPro - Future-robust product development: Systematic extension of the PGE model - product generation development by adapting methods of strategic product planning
Engineering activities focused on the development of technical solutions to meet human needs in private and social contexts are facing growing challenges. The rapid development of technologies in areas such as mechanics, electronics and information technology has increased the complexity of this process while opening up broader approaches to ...
Duration: 10/2020 - 09/2023
Funded by: DFG
arbeitswelt + - KI für die Arbeitswelt des industriellen Mittelstands
Mit der Technologie ?Künstliche Intelligenz“ (kurz: KI) werden weitreichende Potenziale und Chancen einer Transformation der industriellen Wertsch?pfung verbunden. Dabei wird KI nach wie vor als vorwiegend technische Option wahrgenommen. Ein Verst?ndnis von KI im Arbeitskontext als umfassende sozio-technische Herausforderung ist ansatzweise ...
Duration: 10/2020 - 09/2025
Funded by: BMBF
UneS-ICILS (Unerwartbar erfolgreiche Schulen im digitalen Wandel) - eine qualitative Vertiefungsstudie zu ICILS 2018
Duration: 10/2020 - 12/2023
Funded by: BMBF