1031 projects were found

Asymptotic analysis and the link to symmetric cones in Dunkl theory

This project is located in the area of harmonic analysis and special functions associated with root systems, with a focus on the interaction with the analysis on symmetric spaces. First, the interface of Dunkl theory and the analysis on symmetric cones shall be elaborated. This will continue a program recently started by the applicant, which is ...

Duration: 10/2021 - 09/2024

Funded by: DFG

Steigerung der Energieeffizienz in einkommensschwachen Haushalten: Empirische Evidenz und Feldexperimente

Duration: 09/2021 - 08/2024

Funded by: Fritz Thyssen Stiftung

Nikki Sudden - Kiss at Dawn - Perspectives on and by an Anti-Star

Posthumous multiperspectival book about the much underrated UK indie and underground musician Nikki Sudden (Swell Maps, Jacobites, coops with Dave Kusworth, Epic Soundtracks, Mike Scott, Stephen Duffy, Sonic Youth, R.E.M., Mick Taylor, Jeff Tweedy, BJ Cole, Rowland S. Howard, Jeffrey Lee Pierce/Gun Club, Jeremy Gluck, amongst others). This kind of ...

Duration: 09/2021 - 06/2025

Funded by: starfruit publications

Weiterbildung4.OWL (Continuing Education4.OWL) - Intermediation of Continuing Education and Digital Transformation as Challenges for Education Ecosystems using the Example of the Continuing Education Area it's OWL

As part of the university's transfer strategy, the BEE department is examining in this collaborative project the extent to which the university can position itself as a provider of digital, in-service training in the education ecosystem.

Duration: 09/2021 - 08/2024

Funded by: BMBF, BIBB

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InWeDig - Intermediation von Weiterbildung und Digitale Transformation als Herausforderungen für Bildungs-?kosysteme am Beispiel des Weiterbildungsraums it’s OWL

The overarching objective of the InWeDig project is to develop a didactic and technical-economic toolbox for the user- and quality-centered improvement of intermediary marketplace and learning platforms and their integration into regional training areas. The toolbox is designed to systematically enable the actors in a regional education area or ...

Duration: 09/2021 - 08/2024

Funded by: BMBF, BIBB

Quantenbauelemente – integriert, optisch, skalierbar (Qinos)

Duration: 09/2021 - 08/2023

Funded by: BMBF

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FEL - Electronic training record

The use of e-learning tools is not yet fully integrated into everyday life for teachers and learners in the vocational training sector, and particularly in vocational nursing training. This applies to teachers in the sense of the educational staff at nursing schools as well as to the practical instructors, i.e. the employees responsible for ...

Duration: 09/2021 - 08/2024

Funded by: BIBB

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Entwicklung und Evaluation von digital unterstützten Ma?nahmen ressourcenorientierter F?rderung und Motivation und Volition in Lernprozessen

(Verbundvorhaben ?Digitalisierung als Herausforderung und Innovation in der Hochschullehre“, Einsatz digitaler Hilfsmittel zur F?rderung von Selbststeuerung, Feedback und der Integration nicht-kognitiver Aspekte in die Prüfungskultur (DigiSelF)Motivation und Volition von Studierenden zur Weiterentwicklung werden durch eine ressourcenorientierte ...

Duration: 09/2021 - 12/2025

Funded by: StIL

Production Costs of Head-Fakes in Basketball - Influencing Factors in the individual setting and in the interaction scenario

Studies of the first funding period showed that producing a pass with a head fake takes more time than producing a pass without a head fake. This so called fake-production cost reflects response-response incompatibility-costs, which occur during the stage of response selection. In our basketball-specific setting, response selection is carried out ...

Duration: 09/2021 - 08/2024

Funded by: DFG

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ProGRess - Leichtfü?ig und nachhaltig gegen akademische Prokrastination

- Entwicklung und Evaluation eines ressourcenorientierten Trainings zur Pr?vention und Reduktion von akademischer Prokrastination und zur F?rderung studentischer Gesundheit.

Duration: 09/2021 - 08/2024

Funded by: TK