Digital Leadership & Communication and Cooperation Development
The project “LeadCom – Digital Leadership & Communication and Cooperation Development” is part of the BMBF/NextGenerationEU-funded competence center “School Development” in the competence network “lernen:digital”. In collaboration with eleven universities, numerous schools and transfer partners, the LeadCom project is developing and implementing ...
Duration: 08/2023 - 03/2026
Funded by: EU, BMBF
Contact: Prof. Dr. Dorothee M. Meister
Betreuungskonzept St. Michael
Das Projekt “Betreuungskonzept St. Michael” baut auf der Sprachentwicklung im Ganztag auf. Den Kindern werden im Laufe ihrer Schulzeit in verschiedenen AGs mit unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkten religi?se Begriffe wie z.B. Segen von Gott, Hoffnung, Heilige, Wunder und viele mehr erkl?rt und für die Kinder (be-)greifbar gemacht. Dazu gibt es ...
Duration: 08/2023 - 01/2024
Pastorale R?ume gemeinsam leiten
?Macht anders verteilen – und zwar nicht nur im Vorsatz, sondern in konkreten Schritten. Leitung wird dabei konsequent als geteilte Leitung verstanden“. Dieses Zitat aus dem pastoralen Zielbild 2030+ verdeutlicht, dass das Thema ?Leitung wahrnehmen“ eines der zukünftigen Schlüsselthemen des Erzbistums Paderborn ist. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden ...
Duration: 08/2023 - 07/2026
OPEN Edirom
OPEN Edirom is a pilot project carried out at the KreativInstitut.OWL in cooperation with the Center for Music - Edition - Media (ZenMEM) of the University of Paderborn, the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz, and NFDI4Culture. A stable and reusable workflow for open data publication and presentation of complex music philological data is ...
Duration: 07/2023 - 08/2024
Funded by: MWIKE NRW, Bezirksregierung Detmold
Performance Aktion im ?ffentlichen Raum WALKING ON THIN ICE Tanja Kodlin curated by Tomas Kleiner
In welcher Weise erscheint ein verlangsamt-geführter K?rper im flüchtig-hektischen Stadtbild? Wie kann mit k?rperlichen Kipp- und Schwebe-Momenten inmitten unseres Alltags umgegangen werden? Was entsteht an der sich permanent bewegenden Kontaktstelle und dem Schmelzpunkt zwischen Starre und Bewegung?Die Performance-Aktion setzt sich aus praktischen ...
Duration: 07/2023 - 07/2023
TRR 318 - Subproject B6 - Ethics and normativity of explainable AI
Research on explaining and explainability needs ethical reflection, because explanations can be used to manipulate users or to create acceptance for a technology that is ethically or legally unacceptable. Moreover, designing explainability to meet ethical demands (e.g., justifiability, accountability, autonomy) must not necessarily be in line with ...
Duration: 07/2023 - 12/2025
Funded by: DFG
ComeSport Competence Network – Digitalization and Sport in Teacher Education: Teaching, Education and Learning
The ComeSport Competence Network consists of 11 collaborating universities, situated in 4 different federal states. The aim is to enhance and implement in a sustained manner digital and digital-based teaching in physical education at school as well as in continuing education. The focus is on systematization, high-quality research and (further) ...
Duration: 07/2023 - 02/2026
Funded by: BMBF
Contact: Prof. Dr. Elke Grimminger-Seidensticker
PhoQS project: Quantum photonic systems in silicon nitride technology
In this research project, the feasibility of integration of quantum optic components, which are used in photonic quantum computers and sensors, in commercially available silicon nitride technology is investigated.Silicon nitride is widely used in highly integrated CMOS technologies and therefore, it allows mass production of photonic components ...
Duration: 07/2023 - 12/2024
Contact: Tobias Schwabe, M.Sc.
PhoQS project: Quantum Assisted Sensor Systems
In this research project, a quantum-assisted lidar and photonic radar system will be built. For this purpose, a sensor transmit signal is modulated onto a CW laser signal, which is then transmitted directly (lidar) or after electro-optical conversion and an optional frequency multiplication (radar). In the case of photonic radar, the received ...
Duration: 07/2023 - 12/2024
Contact: Stephan Kruse, M.Sc.
NeMo.bil – System of cooperating vehicles for individualised public transport
Programme line: New vehicle and system technologiesIn the joint project "NeMo.bil", an innovative, swarm-like mobility system is being developed and prototyped. This enables a new form of sustainable and demand-oriented passenger and goods transport in rural areas. To this end, a new systemic approach is being pursued that combines swarms of ...
Duration: 07/2023 - 06/2026
Funded by: BMWK
Contact: Dr.-Ing. Thorsten Marten, Dr. Christoph Weskamp