Am 12. Dezember 2012 h?lt Prof. Dr. Martin Skutella von der Technischen Universit?t Berlin einen Vortrag mit dem Titel "Unsplittable and k-splittable flows in single-source networks". Der Vortag geh?rt zum aktuell laufenden Informatikkolloquium in diesem Semester.
Abstract: Given a network with a single source and several sinks with associated demands, we study flow problems with restrictions on the flow-carrying paths. In the unsplittable flow problem, the demand of each sink has to be satisfied along a single source-sink path. The k-splittable flow problem allows to split each demand into at most k packets such that each packet is sent along a single source-sink path. We discuss recent results and algorithms for turning an arbitrary flow into an unsplittable or k-splittable flow with bounded increase of flow values along arcs.
Das Kolloquium findet um 18.00 Uhr im Raum F0.530 (Achtung: Raum?nderung!) statt. Bei Rückfragen wenden 360直播吧 sich bitte an Frau Bewermeyer, Institut für Informatik, Telefon: 05251/60-6695.
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