Dr.-Ing. Anatolii Andreiev
Institut für Leichtbau mit Hybridsystemen (ILH)
Mitglied - Ehemaliger
Ehemaliger Kollegiat im NRW Forschungskolleg ?Leicht – Effizient – Mobil“
Aktuelle Publikationen
Effect of Compression Rate and Pore Size Distribution on the Compression Behavior of Additively Manufactured Bio-inspired Fe3Si Microporous Material
S. Pramanik, D. Mileaege, A. Andreiev, K.-P. Hoyer, M. Schaper, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (2025).
Powder Production via Atomisation and Subsequent Laser Powder Bed Fusion Processing of Fe+316L Steel Hybrid Alloy
S. Pramanik, A. Andreiev, K.-P. Hoyer, J.T. Krüger, F. Hengsbach, A. Kircheis, W. Zhao, J. Fischer-Bühner, M. Schaper, Powders 2 (2023) 59–74.
Powder bed fusion of soft-magnetic iron-based alloys with high silicon content
A. Andreiev, K.-P. Hoyer, F. Hengsbach, M. Haase, L. Tasche, K. Duschik, M. Schaper, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 317 (2023).
An Experimental and Computational Modeling Study on Additively Manufactured Micro‐Architectured Ti–24Nb–4Zr–8Sn Hollow‐Strut Lattice Structures
S. Pramanik, D. Milaege, M. Hein, A. Andreiev, M. Schaper, K.-P. Hoyer, Advanced Engineering Materials 25 (2023).
Modi?cation of Iron with Degradable Silver Phases Processed via Laser Beam Melting for Implants with Adapted Degradation Rate
J.T. Krüger, K.-P. Hoyer, A. Andreiev, M. Schaper, C. Zinn, Advanced Engineering Materials (2022).
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