TRR 285 - Subproject B01


Key Facts




Non-rotationally symmetric joints – Mechanisms and load bearing capacity
D.R. Devulapally, S. Martin, T. Tr?ster, in: Materials Research Proceedings, Materials Research Forum LLC, 2024.
Analysis of the interactions between joint and component properties during clinching
C. Steinfelder, J. Acksteiner, C. Guilleaume, A. Brosius, Production Engineering (2022).
Review on mechanical joining by plastic deformation
G. Meschut, M. Merklein, A. Brosius, D. Drummer, L. Fratini, U. Füssel, M. Gude, W. Homberg, P.A.F. Martins, M. Bobbert, M. Lechner, R. Kupfer, B. Gr?ger, D. Han, J. Kalich, F. Kappe, T. Kleffel, D. K?hler, C.-M. Kuball, J. Popp, D. R?misch, J. Troschitz, C. Wischer, S. Wituschek, M. Wolf, Journal of Advanced Joining Processes 5 (2022).
A Review on the Modeling of the Clinching Process Chain - Part I: Design Phase
B. Schramm, S. Martin, C. Steinfelder, C.R. Bielak, A. Brosius, G. Meschut, T. Tr?ster, T. Wallmersperger, J. Mergheim, Journal of Advanced Joining Processes 6 (2022).
Numerical investigation of the clinched joint loadings considering the initial pre-strain in the joining area
S. Martin, C.R. Bielak, M. Bobbert, T. Tr?ster, G. Meschut, Production Engineering (2022).
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