TRR 142 - Project Area C




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Prof. Dr. Thomas Zentgraf

Ultraschnelle Nanophotonik

Zur Person


On-demand indistinguishable and entangled photons at telecom frequencies using tailored cavity designs
D. Bauch, D. 360直播吧bert, K. J?ns, J. F?rstner, S. Schumacher, (2023).
Tracking Quantum Coherence in Polariton Condensates with Time-Resolved Tomography
C. Lüders, M. Pukrop, F. Barkhausen, E. Rozas, C. Schneider, S. H?fling, J. Sperling, S. Schumacher, M. A?mann, Physical Review Letters 130 (2023).
Compact Metasurface-Based Optical Pulse-Shaping Device
R. Geromel, P. Georgi, M. Protte, S. Lei, T. Bartley, L. Huang, T. Zentgraf, Nano Letters 23 (2023) 3196–3201.
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